Barriers ever good against snipers... Really ? When?

What 5 VS 6 ? There’s no 5 VS 6… Winston is fighting a Widowmaker, so it’s 5 VS 5 and a healer such as Mercy can’t do both : help Winston while coming back to heal the team as well.

There’s no 5 VS 6 situation when Winston is fighting a Widowmaker that won’t be able to do her job. Winston is supposed to dive the Widow before she can get a clear view of the team or squishies she wants to kill. If Mercy pockets Winston, she won’t be pocketing him right away but once the Widowmaker is unable to aim.

I’ve never experienced that, ever. What you’re describing is very situational and only 1 out of many other Widowmaker players can perform that. It seems exaggerated to me. That would only happen with no team play or bad positioning or if both tanks can’t play Winston or D.Va.

Maybe because people on these forums are not always very honest and can’t admit when they’re outplayed ? I’m not saying I’ve never lost a match because of a good Widowmaker. I have.

But I’ve also lost games because of a good Genji with a nanoblade, or a good Ashe or whatever. Just because it happens doesn’t mean said heroes deserve a hardcore nerf. Widowmaker doesn’t have to suffer nerfs just because people became good at aiming and playing her in more than 3 years.

Doesn’t this seem unfair to you, being punished for being good ? It does to me.

Nope, that’s what happens with good coordination and team play. Sorry you weren’t able to perform that if that’s why you’re laughing at me.

Naughty Hanzo players :smiley: !

Oh and I just realized.
While Hanzo does 70 less damage than this GIF.
Reaper does a lot less damage to Armor in this next patch.

I just want to stress that none of you answered my question so far :

“How do you kill a sniper that is far from objective while you hide behind a tank’s shield that is bound to break at some point” ?

I’m still curious to know how you do that, guys.

No prob. So how do you kill snipers while hiding behind shields 100% of the time when there’s a Widowmaker. I really want to have your explanation, please :slight_smile: !

OWL hitscan aim is no different than 3300? Yikes.

Join a few Widow lobbies and you’ll still see a strong correlation between rank and success.

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You don’t.

Which is kinda the problem.

Which is why GOATs, Bunker, Mini GOATs, and DoubleBarrier was so prevalent.

Since “LoOL JUST DIVE THE SNIPER” wasn’t really an option.

So instead you just cover your team in excessive barriers and walk onto the point, and ignore the snipers.

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so, what you’re saying is that you’ve lost all your matches to a Widowmaker player since Goats died ?

Nice way to derail and mock the point I was making but ok, why not :slight_smile: !

And when the shields break or when the payload is in the middle of the map (when you’re in attack) which allows Widowmaker to shoot your from behind, you just keep ignoring the snipers and pray to God the Widowmaker is bad so you can still win nonetheless ?

Hmmm, not sure that’s the best strategy. Every time my team has been ignoring Widowmaker (with shield tanks) it always ended up very badly. Most of the time we had to beg one of them to take a mobile take to make it winnable.

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I’m thinking of that meme where Hanzo is deciding which button to press with a handkerchief in his hand. One says kill winstons bubble on a 10 second cooldown, and the other says kill winston on a 10 second cooldown.

I figure snipers are more of an annoyance at the ranks I play at, but they define the meta for high tier play.

Even if that meta is “anti-sniper”.

Because they give ability to reposition, especially against Widow. Hiding behind a barrier 24/7 is obviously dumb, but they do give me an opening to move from one wall to the other without instantly dying.

The barrier allows your own non-sniper dps to contest them

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I know but we’re not at high tier play.

If double shield wasn’t any good (according to what you’ve been explaining so far) and just the least catastrophic way of countering Widowmaker (most of the time unsuccessfully), then you think a nerf is the only way to get something done ?

You’ve never seen a good Winston or Hammond win over a Widowmaker ?

I’m sure there must be some other way and that you’ve just been unlucky with your team. Maybe Diamond rank is less coordinate that what it was once was 2 years ago. I also feel like snipers were really more powerful back in the time since there were a lot more hardcore players (and a bigger population).

How can they contest the enemy Widowmaker if they’re getting attacked in melee by others enemies while they’re close to their ally tanks with shields ?

Plus, Widowmaker is really hard to hit when she’s far from objective. She has a big scope, your DPS don’t, unless you have a really good McCree or Hanzo yourself.

I still don’t get what shields do except buying some time for nothing.

I like to think I know what I’m talking about regardless :slight_smile:

Been focusing on class based multiplayer shooter design for over 15 years.

Including about 40 suggested changes in PlanetSide 1, a tournament server mod for Tribes 1 with 40+ servers and 20+ teams, and some surprisingly coincidental changes in Overwatch.

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Fair enough :slight_smile: but then we just happen to have a different point of view and different experiences. I mean, I’m not lying to you when saying Winston is efficient against Widowmaker, at least in my game.

I’m sure you’re not lying either but does it deserve a nerf ? Widowmaker players have suffered enough and I’m not even a DPS main (and Widowmaker used to get on my nerves a lot when I was a newbie on this game).

Congrats’ !

Okay but does this résumé mean you’re inevitably right about nerfing snipers some more on Overwatch ? I don’t how old you are but I’m in my thirties now and I’ve accepted that my golden years in shooter games are behind me.

I accepted the fact that younger people are gonna be more and more skilled and that each generation is going to be better than the previous one while I will become older and older and less good.

Haven’t you ever thought that people like you that struggle against snipers in a game like Overwatch might be a “me problem” instead of a “OP heroes” issue ?

It’s just a thought, I’m not saying you’re bad or anything but people are ageing, it’s a fact.

It’s nice exchanging with you by the way :slight_smile: !

I mean, I’m right, in that it would work and seem to follow along with the design path devs are doing.

But ultimately it’s a matter of opinion about what type of gameplay is most enjoyable, so that’s kinda subjective.

It gives me, as a support, a breathing room. Which means my team gets healed against all the other trash coming our way, so that’s a plus in my book. Also, all the time Widow spends shooting shields and not getting picks is time enemy team is fighting 5vs6.

Hanzo is different, but him I can avoid on my own decently enough. Widow? Without shields? Yeah, no. It doesn’t matter how much she gets harassed if she still gets her initial pick. And as a Mercy main, it’s laughably easy to protect my Widow from any and all attempts by Winston or Hamster.

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Ok fair enough, If that’s what you think. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and point of view based on what they know and their experience.

I agree. Buffs and nerfs are always about subjectivity on Overwatch anyways. What was once Blizzard’s game (at release) has now become the community’s property in a way, since the members are the ones dictating what should be in the game or not, what is broken or not etc…

It’s just hard to satisfy players that are in a “main hero” logic. Of course no one is happy when their favorite hero is getting nerfed, tweaked or simply made very weak for a lot of seasons.

I guess the PVE mode on OW2 is gonna help. As Jeff Kaplan said “PVE robots can’t use the forums so we can make heroes as OP as we want” or something like this haha.

Thanks for sharing your opinion even though I don’t agree with everything you said.

I guess this topic can now die. It seems like there’s no convincing people that Widowmaker is balanced anyways. These forums are gonna get their nerf sooner or later ^^ !

I guess if snipers become even easier to counter, the game is gonna become less hard in the future which can only benefit me as well :stuck_out_tongue: (it’s a shame for the PVP difficult that’s gonna drop considerably)… I’m glad I’m not playing a sniper though, those neverending nerfs would drive me crazy :smiley: !

Well, if you don’t understand it, thst’s a personal problem

Cause most players play in gold and thats what helps in gold :man_shrugging:

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There’s also zero headshots or damage boosts.

Also this is video from when Hanzo had 7 arrows with 75 damage.
ie 2 years old video.

Winston has 400hp and 100 armor, he cannot be killed by spamming Storm Arrows into his butt since eternity ago.

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because widowmaker doesn’t leave spawn in silver

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