Baptiste proves the underlying hate of support heroes by the forums (And possibly pros)

Heroes like mercy/Moira become “too strong” and are nerfed for “low skill, high reward” (usually just lack of aim).

Ok I guess, that’s kinda fair.

But now… Baptiste? Doesn’t He have to aim? Isn’t He mechanical demanding?

So… according to logic applied to past healers, he should be just fine, but… nope… people just hate supports having any control over how the flow of the match goes- even if just a smidge. Apparently only tanks and DPS are allowed to have any impact, and supports must just be accessories.


(Constant changes and complaints about both roles)

Also, only now, with BAPTISTE, you’ve realized thia?


Is that image always your argument, OwU? :thinking:


Most complaints are about the buff to his primary that both came out of nowhere and was arguably unneeded.

It’s more an issue of a support being a piece in power creep rather than just hating on support.


It is kind of funny watching all the role mains start swinging at each other.


swings at you with a giant hammer Kuz I play tank NERF MEI


Are supports not allowed to have any fun.

Honestly I’m not wasting my time healing someone not to have a good time. Im not a pro… I don’t get money for it. I like having somewhat of an impact on the game

I could quite happily play something else and get satisfaction


~flex main uses counter. Giant hammer swing is deflected~

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I don’t see how it does, I mean the reason people are ok with Ana is because her kit is high skill but doesn’t step on the toes of Widow or Ashe.

Baptiste’s primary does a lot of damage, and honestly feels more consistent and rewarding than Soldier 76’s Pulse Rifle. His kit is also better at keeping him alive and just more helpful to his team in general, so what exactly does 76 have? He is a DPS outclassed by a support at his own role, I think that’s a fair cause for alarm don’t you?


Personally, I like Bap. I just think nerfing his IF, then the next patch buffing his damage was dumb on both counts. IF was fine at 250 health and his damage absolutely didn’t need buffed.


Well, better get used to supports being effective damage dealers. The barrier change is pending. A major healing nerf is the next step to speed up time to kill. You’ll need to compensate supports somehow, and I can’t see them improving utility too much.


I mean, They did it to Ana during triple tank season 3 as well. Called for all the nerfs in the world, so they nerfed her 100% healing nade, which honestly was way too strong and all should have been fine with the world after. But it wasn’t, you had Genji and soldier players upset that Ana could kill them, so they went after her damage, and for good measure they buffed winston’s bubble in the same patch, crippling her all the way on till season, what was it 11 before she finally came back into play? After they gutted Mercy.


I’m a baptiste main. I main all support heroes, really. And I can say Bap is OP.
Baptiste isn’t the only support in need of nerfing. Power creep in Overwatch is a huge issue, and baptiste can provide immortallity and technically up to 270 heals per second, as well as amplifying damage and healing.

Healing in Overwatch needs a global nerf, and Baptiste being able to do tremendous heals and damage is a huge issue. It’s hard to confirm kills in Overwatch simply because of the amount of heals in the game.


Before the buff Brigitte was doing more damage in every single rank than Baptiste

Plus he’s still behind Moira until GM anyways


Sheep. Can’t think for themselves.


So bap can kill a shield faster than 76? Big deal! 76 can still kill a 200hp hero in like a sec and a half with primary and helix rockets, bap cant do that…

And besides, this is more of a “buff 76” thing, than a “nerf bap” thing to me.


There’s always someone on top. That doesn’t necessarily mean the buff was warrented. Like I said, it’s a symptom of power creep. People see someone else with bigger stats and demand that that must justify buffing everyone else up to that level instead of considering the rest of the kit, or even the other hero.


Why should any support(especially one who heals as much as bap can) do identical (or even close) damage as an actual DPS hero?

Friendly reminder that Mercy has always had some of the best DPS in the game.

Meanwhile Widow sports some of the worst.

There’s more to the story than flat number potential.


You’re absolutely correct! I’m a fan of nerfing both healing of supports in general, as well as the damage that both Tanks and Supports do.