Remember when if you wanted to deal damage as a support you had to sacrifice healing, sustain, and mobility?
What if i told you, that poor monk boi deals less damage than Baptiste, who shares none of those weaknesses?
Zen’s orbs deal 96 dps, 120 with discord.
Bap does 134 dps.
Mind you, on top of not sharing those weaknesses, Baptiste is a hitscan…
Except he can do both, at the same time. And bap DOES melt heroes incredibly quickly. On top of that, with how quickly he gets ult, the dude can melt tanks in 3-4 bursts. Bap doing as much damage as he does, with as much mobility, team healing and personal sustain is OP.
I would say yes, healing creep is a thing. But its not specifically hps over the entire match, healing creep has occured in BURST healing since 2016. Ana alone, using everything to burst heal someone can in ~1.5 seconds heal someone for over 600hp. In 2016, her maximum potential for burst heal was nearly half of what it is today.
It is generally concerning (from a balance standpoint) when a Support is capable is delivering as much damage output on top of utility and healing output as the rest of the team, as it can lead to distortions about the relative value to a team.
Damage can only do so much, and primarily they deliver damage in a very mechanical way. Having Supports and Tanks able to deliver similar levels of damage, in addition to bringing utility or healing means they bring much more value to the overall team and generally have a bigger impact than what Damage is capable of doing (at the moment).
Partially true, but in terms of utilizing ultimates like Amplification Matrix, he doesn’t get as much value out of it as say an offense would. He may be able to bring down a tank in four to five bursts, but someone from the Damage group can do it in half the time and in fewer rounds.
For the moment, Baptiste doesn’t feel like he’s breaking the game yet. But it is concerning that his healing range (RMB) is incredibly long, allowing him to safely heal from distances that are on par with Ana, while still having strong vertical mobility.
The highest level of healing in 2016 was 50 health per second. Today, it’s over 140; ults, abilities and passives included.
Zenyatta has much better utility, burst damage with his m2 snipes, range, his healing never turns off, is passive, and can easily be applied to any teammate, and Zenyatta’s self healing isn’t on a 15 second cooldown.
How is pointing out that Batptiste is just a better soldier 76 in nearly every way complaining about every support?
Are you implying that if supports did less damage, and overall damage GAMEWIDE was less, thus requiring supports to heal less, that DPS queue time would go up?
Or are you trying to say that we should buff Support damage so DPS players queue for the support role just so they can do more damage? Effectively still playing DPS, just the specific hero they play(Bap for example) is listed as a support? If this is the case, why even has a “DPS” category when supports and tanks are more efficient and effective at laying down DPS than the actual DPS heroes?
Isn’t this proof S76 desperately need buffs to compete with other DPS instead of proof Baptiste needs nerfs? Baptiste still deals less damage than 99% of the DPS roster.
Baptiste is VERY powerful once he’s mastered, but mastering his multitask based kit is very difficult and mechanically demanding (try playing him yourself and see how easy it is to heal and deal damage at the same time with his gun). I think the idea behind his design is a great one, we need high skill cap Supports.
Have you seen unskilled players abusing Bap to rank up? Not really.
As a support player, Baptiste can do too much. Your argument is too based on spite and trying to see contradictions rather than the actual balance of a hero.
Is he OP? I don’t think so…but I’d definitely say he’s overtuned. The difference? OP heroes need changes within 1-2 weeks; overtuned heroes deserve a small tweak or two within a reasonable time.
I’d like to see some small tweaks to Bap, but don’t have time right now to articulate what they might be.
Baptiste has a huge a** hitbox (even bigger than Zen’s). Baptiste has vertical mobility, but this vertical mobility is somewhat slow and easy to exploit. Baptiste’s ult is mediocre, Zen’s ult is S Tier. Baptiste is slow AF. Baptiste has low capacity to self-heal, whereas Zen has shields.
Not to mention that consistently healing AND dealing damage with Baptiste at the same time is harder than landing Zen’s projectiles, and more mechanically demanding. I’m not saying playing Zen is easy - his projectiles are hard, but doing two jobs at once with Baptiste’s gun is even harder and something that few players can do on a consistent basis. You won’t see Bap players doing this in most ranks.
I mean, WTF? OP is right, weren’t DPS players supposed to value effort and skill? I understand you don’t like Moira because of the low effort she requires, but you guys should be encouraging Support players to pick a healer like Baptiste instead of complaining. He is easily the hardest Support to master ATM (though he is not the higher skill floor).
The motivation behind the complaints sounds petty. It is almost like “because I’m a DPS player, I HAVE to be the star of the team, I have to be the BEST, I need to create more IMPACT than others, nobody else can be as good as me. Shut up shut up shut up Support players and heal me while you accept to be a little defenseless bi***. I don’t care if you are skilled, you shouldn’t be able to do defend yourself well”.
I don’t think people realize how self-serving and egotistical this is.