Baptiste is Great- Can We Change Mercy Now?

Similarly I said lower the rate she heals. Currently at 50 she is closer to zen than ana. At 45 or 40, that would be solidified

Brig armor pack. Zen is closer to mercy than mercy is to ana…

If you mean primary fire by just buttons, if they switch mercy’s 'primary" to her secondary ability in label, would that mean she’s an off healer? Or the reverse for zen?

No- as one of Lúcio largest contributing factors is his ability to quickly reposition his team mates with his speed boost, displace opponents with his boop, and provide massive shields at vital moments preventing wipes.

His primary focus is not healing.

Nor is Briggs for that matter.

Sure why not

But seriously speaking all of the main healers were developed with that same consistency in mind

Their primary fire/secondary fire action is always a continuous stream of healing in some fashion

Yeah but, that doesn’t mean that it’s a measured output. If abilities is what defines a healer, wouldn’t mercy still be off healer since Rez is so core to her and that’s utility? Or is the slow still tanking and mei is more a tank than zarya or Dva?

Not true. Ana was not released to be a ‘main healer’ she was worked there. Old game Vs new game.

Meis primary is utility. Is she actually meant to be a support? Not a tank DPS, but support ala sombra?

Ana functions in the same vein

the amount of stream before downtime was just lower

Supports primarily heal

Its why Sym got taken out of that category

Yes. But would mei, be in the wrong category and be a tank over hog? If it’s labels, should they change the name of mercys primary , is she suddenly an off healer over a name?
Widow maker has a primary not shoot her sniper… Is she a poor DPS?

“Would a rose by any other name…”

Honestly I don’t know enough about tanking to know why Mei is/would be considered an off tank as is

what? what does the name have to do with anything now

just discussing simple game mechanics

The mechanic is defined by its name? Is widow not a DPS since her primary isn’t her sniper shot?

I don’t have Lucio s primary bound to the primary original key. Is his primary fire now officially wall riding over what a key is called?

I think people overestimate the healing output that other healers can put out and underestimate the healing Mercy can put out.

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…god I want to make that picture of Julius into a meme just for this


Mercys healing is a flat rate. What do you mean?

Where did you get this?

Everyone, including the post you are quoting, has been talking about the emphasis of what a heroes primarily doing.

Lúcio isn’t concentrating the majority of his efforts on healing.

Mercy isn’t concentrating the majority of her time using res.

The vast majority of her time is healing.

You want to reduce how much she heals… why? Moira already heals about the same/more than Mercy. I don;t see how further nerfing Mercy is the right thing to do. At all.

I think Moira’s numbers can be tweaked a bit to make her healing easier to apply outside of grouped deathballs. Making it reach further and travel faster, that sort of deal.

I am referring to the practical limits of the heroes. Its hard to describe to keep it short, but Mercy’s healing with GA, auto lock-on, speed with low cool-down gives her tremendous flexibility. You can keep up with a rolling hammond say from defender spawn to attacker spawn. You generally will get a flat 50 hps for the entire game just about.

Any other main healer such as Ana, Moira, and Baptiste all have rather limiting features which drag down their healing output and make them very lumpy. Yes, they have a higher healing output potential, but it is for a reason.

Because she’s designed to be the most consistent healer, and pays for that by having lower hps than Moira/Ana (Not sure about Bap) and also by being a single target healer (Excluding valk)

But it doesn’t have to be her primary value. Even currently, her pistol earns more ult charge than healing. If you emphasize her utility, I don’t see anything wrong with that

…to make her officially an off healer. Moira is irrelevant.

That would be nice. Also to not have Dva eat her heal orbs … It’s a defense matrix. Not “enemy existence” matrix

This wouldn’t change at 45

This wouldn’t change with 45 hps

You could give her an ult that could address either of complaints with valk- make it single target; or a stronger defensive ult akin to mass Rez for the “heroes never die” line.

Nothing of her base play would change, she still would be a good DPS pocket, and mobile.