Baptiste Heals Too Much, Makes Moira Irrelevant, Both Need Changes

It was 30hps then it got nerfed to 20hps see here.

I always assumed it was 10 meters because it feels shorter than Mercy’s Beam but that probably because of the projectile speed.

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Imagine being so deluded that you call the 3% pickrate Mercy is the “most overtuned support” and the 12% pickrate Baptiste “healthiest support”

I’m gonna so enjoy your reaction when they leave Mercy alone, as always, and nerf Baptiste soon :rofl:

It’s been the time of my life seeing you and the Mercy haters speaking to a wall about her being “OP” and every patch she remains untouched bahahaha

I pray for the upcoming experimental for HoT revert :imp:


Moira as a kit rn is fine, she was S tier before all the weird patches came in after October. Reworking Bap would make her really good again. But buffing Moira would just be more powercreep

What is difficult about aiming at the ground next to your tanks and/or Dps? You are literally aiming at the ground and spamming. Baptiste isn’t a easy hero to play but saying his healing is difficult to use is completely non sense.


This post is a masterclass in presenting a detailed, cogent argument about current balance and presenting an arguably good correction to the problem.

Accordingly, Jeff and Co. will be headed to the private Discord to get feedback and next experimental Moira will now heal 45hps and Mei will receive a buff to her secondary ammo.

Everyone except for Zenyatta and Mercy heals too much.

If you’re getting 15k heals on bap per 10 you’re doing something wrong bap should Maybe have 15k combined with a little more damage than healing.

Imagine taking 30 mins good presentation corrections etc, and then bam forum got an error erase all your post. Litteraly a FML moment lmao.

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Thumb? Do people scroll their phones with their thumbs?

Am I the weird one? No, it’s the children who are weird

I do, but I have large hands. And you know what they say about people with large hands, and it’s true…

Our gloves DO cost more.

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Nerfing his healing to 55 would make it worse than before.

50 healing every .8 s equals 62.5 hps. 55 healing every .9 s equals 61.111… hps.

They should try lowering the radius of his healing projectiles from 3 to 2 meters instead of just lowering his healing numbers.

Why weren’t you so enthousiastic about Mercy nerfs when she was in the exact same position as Bap is currently in?

Mercy wasn’t ever the most picked Support in Pro Play and GM since moth meta?

She also didn’t outheal all other supports by 4k healing nor did she have pros calling her OP like Bap does :slight_smile:

Be mad ig tho

My resentment and distaste towards Mercy mains grows by the day.

And it makes me laugh that you think anyone cares

I love that the Devs are intelligent and realize Mercy is balanced tho lmao :stuck_out_tongue: watching y’all complain every week and then she never gets nerfed bc she’s balanced is so funny to me

I enjoy playing Baptiste but he’s way to powerful right now

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Moira is so ugly dude what are you on about?

You begged for Brig nerfs whenever she was still meta. You begged for Discord nerfs
and you would spit venom at anyone who dared to put Mercy’s damage boost into question. And now it’s Baptiste’s turn. Any time damage boost proves to be a problem, you want the hero who synergises with it to get nerfed. As someone who has always had trouble learning, watching people take the path of least resistance always annoyed me. But you lot are on another level. You don’t just take the path of least resistance, you actively work against others who don’t because to you, your path of least resistance is the only acceptable path. You don’t want there to be a payoff for hard work, because you’re affraid you might have to work hard too, to keep up.

If you want to play the easiest character in the game and not actually improve, fine. Do as you wish. But why be an active detriment to those who don’t want to?