Baptiste Heals Too Much, Makes Moira Irrelevant, Both Need Changes

Yikes not this again, a Mercy main saying Bapt makes Moira irrelevant.

Mercy makes Moira irrelevant also nerf Mercy.


I find this funny because it was the same case for Moira back in the day yet no one wanted her nerfed apparently lol now she’s underperfoming while bap is overtuned and these forums want Moira buffed back

Naturally I agree that bap is too strong and needs to be nerfed while Moira should remain the same or get a rework but her numbers must remain close to current

I wanted her nerfed lol

I was advocating for nerfs when she was meta in double shield w 80 HPS and I also supported the rework that made her beam harder to aim :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah I know what you mean by the general forum opinion



who cares if they’re a mercy main lol


lol yeah that’s why Moira is bad because Mercy has a 2% pickrate :rofl:



You’re really shortsighted if you think nerfing baptiste is going to make current moira appealing all of a sudden. Incredibly shortsighted.

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I’m honestly sick of aurora clamoring for nerfs for every support that isn’t mercy.


Aurora also said buff her? Yeah nerfing bap won’t magically make her a top pick but bap can literally do everything moira can do but better in GM hence why she is underperforming so bad.


Actually I’m not, I’ve been a GM support player for the last 21+ seasons, I know how the balance of my role works, I’ve seen it all, but thanks !! <3

I say Ana is balanced

I say Zen is balanced

I say Lucio is balanced

I say Mercy is balanced

I suggest Bap nerfs + Moira buffs

“clamoring for nerfs” for every support where? lmfaooo


You’re talking about gm only, Mercy is way stronger than Moira in every other rank.

Mercy has a 6% pick rate in diamond with a 53% win rate this week. Most broken support in diamond being abused pocketing smurfs.

Yes this post is about GM because the Devs balance around GM xx\

We don’t balance around diamond xx

isn’t that a smurf problem, rather than a mercy problem?

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It’s both, she enables smurfs.

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so how about we try to fix the smurf problem than nerfing a completely balanced hero? like nowhere shows her to be “over performing”. not even in diamond.

maybe make the level requirement for comp lvl 75, less sales, etc.

There is no way Mercy is balanced lmao

Stacked kit. Too much healing, damage boost, rez on cooldown makes it stronger than some ultimates. Insane mobility GA every 1.5 seconds with a broken mechanic you can abuse super jump

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dude she’s like overperforming nowhere statistically, even during poke meta. and listing everything good about her kit means nothing. like you can do the same with bastion.

like yeah i get she’s annoying but she’s balanced man


xoxo :kissing_heart:


Akj is so anti-mercy its almost becoming cult status at this point. Most people don’t care about Mercy other than that resurrection is annoying, but that’s about it. More people care about immortality field and other mechanics than her at this point. Damage boost was nerfed on the only character interaction remaining that mattered which was Ashe by killing the 1HKO on headshots from alt fire.

Even during peak Mercy last season in 26 Zenyatta was picked 2x times more in top 200 than Mercy was for the people that actually played Zen or Mercy as their most played character. She was often swapped out for Baptiste, Ana, and Brigitte during that time period with Hammond meta.

Even then, for the last 6 months at all ranks for overbuff pick rates Ana has consistently placed higher than Mercy for pickrates except for Bronze/Silver. Any where else they are even or Ana wins out. For a broken characters Mercy’s pretty dang underutilized compared to the time she was ACTUALLY broken during her post PTR release when you’d see Mercy pickrates at all levels of play at something like 10% and higher out of a possible 16%. Rein’s more broken now than Mercy by pickrate standards.

In other news, using Overbuff stats for healing per game is incredibly bad. They do healing/g as really TotalHealing/TotalWins. Overbuff never used to have access to people’s stats for wins, losses, and total played. Blizzard had that hidden and only used total wins in overbuff. Therefore, its outdated at this point as a metric.

Its also an incredibly bad metric because it doesn’t show the time length of the games either. If Baptiste had say +1min of play time over Moira all of his total healing would be skewed higher.

The only good stat to look at instead is say a competitive season’s top 500 which everyone can see and tally by hand what Moira/Baps total healing really is and such. Which would be really hard as there was only 1-2 Moira players in top 500 in all of Season 26.

Moira is also a way easier hero play, she’s not going to out DPS Bap because she only needs to hold m1, while his gun requires aim, and buffing her damage would be a heavy dive nerf.
Her heals could use a minor buff but they shouldn’t outdo bap because again he needs to actually aim his shots. I could probably get behind a similar system to pharah’s rocket damage w/ direct hits.

She’s meant as an introduction hero for supports she shouldn’t be that strong, same as Orisa.
Imo Ana should do the most HPS out of any support.

:roll_eyes: Imagine being Mercy main, who’s the most overtuned support rn and complaining & asking fot Bap nerfs, one of healthiest support in the game, that’s… insanely ridiculous.

He’s not overtuned and he’s not a reason why current Moira is bad. She got nerfs when she didn’t need any and that’s the reason. Bap was a throw pick before the ult and damage buffs and he’s 1 step away from going to that state again.