Baptiste Heals Too Much, Makes Moira Irrelevant, Both Need Changes

Personally I think AoE healing should be lower and more passive like Lucio’s while making that character more utility/damage based.

But that’s just me.

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She is what? Have you seen that jawline? You clearly didn’t.

all Moira needs is consumption rate and AOE heal full revert or Consumption rate and Selfheal full revert or partial revert to 25 HPS instead of 30HPS and that is it nothing more nothing less pick one of these two and donot touch her until the game fully dies

Because I can do whatever I want :slight_smile: and I know balance better than you do which is why when I call out OP heroes for being OP, they generally get nerfed soon (because the Devs and pros know it too), and when I say Mercy is balanced, she’s left alone, because the Devs and Pros know it too.

You are angry because you are wrong and the Devs balance deicisions and pro opinions don’t reflect your wrong views on balance and heroes. So every patch that comes out and does what I say should happen, leaving Mercy alone and nerfing the actual overtuned heroes like Ashe, Echo, Zen, Bap, etc. angers you even more becuase you have a warped mindset that doesn’t allign with the reality of the game state. Whereas intelligent people who view balance in an unfiltered, realistic way know that said changes are good.

When AKJ made a thread calling Mercy OP, it was on Noobhunter bc people were laughing at him. When Samito called her healing too strong all the actual Pros were under his tweet laughing at him/saying he’s wrong. Y’all don’t realize that you are hilarious to the rest of the community.

As I said, stay mad :smiley:

Yeah dude it’s ugly af

Nani?!??? this is unacceptable!

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Keep playing your easy hero and keep pretending you’re actually good at the game :man_shrugging:

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I will :smiley: Been doing it for the last 5 years and have had a blast all the while! Love playing Mercy, love being GM, love playing QP with friends, love playing on a college team, love flexing to other supports and roles, I just love Overwatch :hugs: :partying_face:

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Gotta love the shade, you know an argument is easy to win when the other persons point is just “she is ez”.

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Stopped reading after you said to nerf bap’s healing and buff moira’s healing.

Raw healing doesn’t win matches my guy, its a supports utility and how they can either enable their team or hinder the enemy is what does. Why do you think Zen + Brig was a thing? 2 of the lowest healing supports, especially when placed together, their utility before numerous nerfs to both was just unparalleled.

Moira is said to be a Flex support, Flex supports much like Ana and Zenyatta are said to cast debuffs on the enemy team much like Antinade or Orb of discord, Moira is said to be a flex support but does none of these things. Moira’s flaws exists within her character design or just healing or just damage.

You love the shade because you agree with OP and can’t tolerate another perspective.

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I’m aware. I’m a GM support player for the past 4 years. I know how support duo comps work and why they are picked and how they get value.

Healing is important to Bap and Moira’s viability in rush and that’s factual.

Brig actually can heal as much/more than Mercy. But nevertheless, she’s picked with Zen in dive comps because she has the best anti-dive peel and self sustain and she can support her team with ranged repair packs easily which is more than enough healing in those comps.

But dive is not Rein Zarya rush.

And yet she was meta in October in rush before Bap buffs so clearly her design was working just fine then :slight_smile:

What does your rank have to do with anything? I could care less as I too am currently GM, just finished placements but you talk like you know nothing of the game, its heroes and how they function. Just increasing numbers doesn’t fix things

tfw they buff Baptiste’s healing per nade to 90 on directs and nerfing moiras regen capabilities /s

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Also your profile is private, kindly unprivate it to dispute this claim

Oh I can. In fact I’m more than fine with nerfing mercy if she really needs a nerf. But I have no respect for “points of view” that the only thing they have to defend are “she is ez”. If you want your unpopular point of view to be respected you need to have a good reason to support your claims. Which you don’t appear to have.

Brigitte was also played in Rein + Zarya brawls over Lucio before the nerfs to her armor pack, you truly have no idea what you speak of.

The OP indirectly insulted my intelligence and told me to ‘‘stay mad’’.
Why shouldn’t i then in turn resort to childish responses?

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And I’d do it again! Bop bop!

Yeah, i know you’re a great human being.

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