Baptiste Heals Too Much, Makes Moira Irrelevant, Both Need Changes

Yes indeed Moira needs buffs due to her under performing especially since this meta should favor her. Yes a revert to her HOT would help or a lower consumption rate for heal. I would also like to increase damage to 55 since she needs better tracking skills now.


Nobody here said she should stay trash. Literally nobody. Aurora even wanted buffs for her

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I mean come on, 0,3 pick rate and 34% winrate ON HER OWN META should speak for itself right?

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We all do lmao. We Stan a passive aggressive queen.

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Did you read the post?

Immortality Field

  • Health decreased from 200 to 150

Amplification Matrix ( revert from 9/24/20 )

  • Ultimate cost increased by 15%

10/29/20 ( tweaks affecting fire-rate/over-all effectiveness )
Biotic Launcher

Primary Fire

  • Recovery time reduced from 0.45 to 0.38 seconds

  • Damage reduced from 25 to 24

Secondary Fire

  • Recovery increased from 0.8 to 0.9 seconds
  • Healing increased from 50 to 60


Biotic Launcher

Secondary Fire

  • Grenade ammo reduced from 12 to 10

Regenerative Burst

  • Total healing reduced from 150 to 75
  • Baptiste now receives twice as much healing from Regenerative Burst

I didn’t bother including the window size change for his ult, but he’s only gotten buffs right? And if the March 22 experimental goes through for him, that’s even more nerfs.

Ammo nerf was a power creep nerf apart of the massive global power creep patch. Ana got the same nerf. Frankly he stills has a ridiculous amount of ammo because damage and healing are two separate ammos for him unlike Ana.

Amp Matrix ult charge nerf was just to compensate for how RIDICULOUSLY fast he was getting his newly buffed window after he got his HPS and damage buffed.

The Primary and Secondary fire changes you listed are two giant net buffs.

Regen healing nerf was also apart of the giant global powercreep patch in an effort to reduce extreme AoE sustain i nthe game.

Two of those nerfs were from almost 6 months ago and are apart of a global nerf patch. The third is a compensation change to ult charge because his kit got giga buffed. The fourth is a slap on the wrist IF nerf.

Overall he is much stronger as a whole.


Last I checked, it was the other way around. Moira healed 13-15k, while Bap healed as much as Mercy.

Check again, baps healing 15494 while moiras healing 13047.


Maybe hes looking at all ranks

Oh? So you’re every baptiste player now? You know for certain that there wasn’t a single player that thought that baptiste’s ultimate was deserving of a buff?

Well then let me give you the perspective of a person who did see people talk about it. Baptiste players around the time before his ult buff talked about the issue of how amplification matrix was blatantly ignored by allies due to its terrible size. Efficient Baptiste players had to use the window to do nothing but pump up only his healing and damage. If anyone else was next to him then they were all liable to be shot at once because you had to funnel together to get any teamwide value out of it.

You obviously don’t know why changes were made to him and are acting like it’s the same as when genji got 4 buffs in one patch.


That’s exactly why we shouldn’t gut Bap. Moira only sucks because the devs made her suck, so nerfing baptiste would only mean we make two supports suck. And what should happen if Moira is now better than bap? More moria nerfs.

Most of the bap hate comes from people who hate being killed by a support. You have comments like this:

Which make no sense because Zen isn’t supposed to be THE DPS support. The is no ONE DPS support; Bap and Zen are both dps supports. As if doing damage the rivals Zens is an issue; it really is limited thinking.

It would be like me saying “Orisa doesn’t need a stronger shield. Before her nerf, her shield was nearly as strong as Reinhardts, who was THE Shield tank!”


Moira sucks because her resource regen sucks. They just nerfed her to the ground. It would be like me asking for a bap nerf because he out heals brig.

Instead of asking for bap nerfs how about just buffing moira?


As a bap main i can agree.

I still believe window is like 5th maybe even 6th on the list of support ults it honestly depends on how you feel about moiras ult which is what I would put as last but I hate moira so.

It’s a simple ult to counter due to it being completely stationary but this whole thread is made by a person who posts daily about wanting bap nerfed so it’s understandable that people here would say something as dumb as bap didn’t deserve his ult change.

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I 50% agree. Kinda? Maybe I’m just too tired rn lol.

But I think Baptise has higher Healing because since immortality well, makes allies immortal, he gets aaalllllll that healing in.

Oh uh…
So it’s extreme sustain yes I agree.

But overall Moira IS supposed to be the one to have the highest possible healing. Not Ana because she’s single target but has a good variety of utility and helps boost yours and your ally supports healing.

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They need to revert Moira’s self-heal nerf back to 30hps & maybe increase the range on her healing from 10 to 12 meters.

Her healing is 15m range. Same as Mercy beam

The issue is that Moira spray has a Travel time and takes a second a half to reach people at max range, whereas Mercy beam connects at 15m range instantly and starts healing

So that’s why I suggest making Moira’s healing spray travel MUCH faster

Reasonably so. Coalescence is kinda sucky.

It was 25 hp/s