Banter is viewed as Abusive Chat?

Is banter in competitive matches considered as abusive chat. Because you can’t see faces in text chat so the facial expression missing in this line of communication is bound to be misconstrued even though some people might get the hint, majority of people have missing modules in the brain. So>…


It would be considered as, yes, if you were reported and trying to appeal something.

sad truth is anything is reportable

the system is automated

you will get banned for talking in this game
the community is so toxic they report for anything

I’ve seen lol reported
I’ve seen gg reported

legit it’s out of control

the lunatics are running the asylum

only way to play this is set team chat to auto join volume to zero in sound options then hide the text chat

that’s what it’s come to


If your banter isn’t seen as playful, it’s not banter, it’s just insults.


Problem is you are playing with ppl from around the world, what’s banter in 1 culture is abuse in another.
Everyone reads text chat is different ways because you can’t derive tone or intent easily.


The system is indeed automated. But i had hope for appeal system, but it’s been run by the same loony bin. They will take anything and spam “read code of conduct” argument to it.

As for Banter, what sort of idiots think banter is abusive?


When you end a post with:

it makes me extremely doubtful that you got banned for “banter.”

Maybe you should try an approach more along the lines of “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Barring that, keep your “banter” between you and your friends who know where you’re coming from and you won’t have to worry about getting banned again - unless they’re sick of your “banter” too and were the ones reporting you.


So, if you see a banter in a competitive game, or a guy (removed) in a competitive game, it’s a bannable offence and you have the right to be offended by it and use the in-game reporting system?

Also i didn’t got banned for banter, i am just gauging the mental state of the community which is based upon an online-competition PvP.

(Removed inappropriate language) - Forum Mod

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I don’t work for Blizzard, I don’t determine what a bannable offense is. They decide. Either accept their rules or don’t play. It doesn’t matter past that.

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yep, i learned it the hard way. It’s truly automated, and people are really sensitive. I made fun of a guy who was bronze and playing with plat friend in competitive off-season. I asked why are you playing at such high rank, you would obviously be a burden. His friends says, “To give him exposure”. After the game ended, and his team was clearly struggling, i said in chat “got exposure? XD”. And the bronze guy messaged me “you are very toxic, i am reporting you”.

THAT’S IT. “XD” is abusive chat now. GG WP. This community is literally getting such idiotic. i swear to god, my brain is exploding with both laughter and anger.


But do you determine if it’s a reportable offense?

I am reporting anyone who types gg ez in chat if my team loses. I feel offended when someone is making fun of my lost game. YES SIR. That’s the way to use the “Automation” Tools :smiley:


You keep saying it’s “banter” when Blizzard has already told you it’s not.

This isn’t “banter.”


you picking sentences to suit your arguments there :smiley:

When did i say, i was banned for banter?

And next, making fun of a guy by saying “Got exposure? XD” it’s not banter. when did i say, it was banter? i was replying to the other guy with that incident.

Please don’t change the course of conversation to suit your need or “Blame” it on me.

I want to understand, if the community of Overwatch players plays competitive games and sees a banter, should it be reported as abusive chat?.


What did you learn “the hard way”?

People obviously don’t share what you think is “banter” if they’re reporting you for abusive chat. I wouldn’t be surprised if people reported for abusive chat when you make post things like


i am not justifying my silence as “it was just a banter”. The deed is in past, i don’t care what happened there. I am talking about present, and if banter should be viewed as Abusive chat.

Cherry picking sentences to suit your argument, and then equating, making fun of a person as abusive chat. What kind of stupidity is that? And yet, still not sticking to the question, should Banter in competitive matches be viewed as Abusive chat.

I really want to understand your methodology here now, if anyone is Mean/Trolling (as you constantly try to picture me doing), you SHOULD report them for abusive chat? Being mean or trolling for you equates to Abusive chat then why shouldn’t people report game play sabotage for one trick mercy mains or for that any other one trick players.


Damn son, you really quoting and targeting. stick to thread topic. Such evasion, much wow.

Seeing how you play with multiple people from multiple cultures, banter has a large change of being interpreted as abusive chat.

You have to keep in mind that what is banter for you might be upsetting or offensive for somebody else.

So the answer to your question:

Yes it could be, but it totally depends on the people you play with.

Also, this

Is completly unnecessary and probably says more about you then the majority of people

I think you are absolutely right, different culture will perceive communications differently. I read it somewhere, a simple hello gesture in one culture can be considered as offensive in another culture. I think it’s safe to assume, there is a thin line between what is abusive/offensive and is dependent on a lot of factors. It is indeed a complex decision should you choose to report people. I will take this into consideration next time i am about to report someone.

sarcasm can be hard to interpret; it’s a complex way to communicate, Hillis said. First, the person has to understand the literal meaning of what someone says, and then the listener has to detect the components of sarcasm: a wider range of pitch, greater emphatic stress, briefer pauses, lengthened syllables and intensified loudness relative to sincere speech, the researchers wrote in the study.

“There’re a number of cues people use, and it’s both facial cues and tone of voice,” Hillis said.

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Using sarcasm in a forum is a bad idea.

As Hillis said:

You can’t listen to text. A forum post doesn’t have a tone, it’s just plain text.

And that is exactly what you should look out for. Because the way it looks, you’re insulting other people. While apperently you’re trying to be sarcastic.