Thats im talking about.
I’m not sure how people get that many invalid reports. No matter who I play I’m always on a team and being a good team player. I even mess around on torb and sym. I have been maining sombra for the past year and I’ve never been banned once. People need to learn how to use LFG.
I start out each game by saying hey I’m playing sombra if she ends up not working I’ll switch. I wont stubbornly stay on something that isnt working. This is how youre supposed to play the game. You would be surprised how much this stops tilting before it even starts.
Looking for group= problem solved
You can play any hero you want, so long as it does not constitute bad teamplay or throwing for your other teammates. First and foremost Overwatch is a team based cooperative objective game. Your primary concern should, as a team, be to capture objectives and win points. Not trying to get a lot of kills as a niche hero. It’s not even false reporting of you regularly pick what is considered a ‘bad pick’ for that situation and refuse to swap. That’s considered bad teamwork. Point B Torb Attack is not going to work. If you persist in picking him, despite your team asking you to swap off, you will get reported. It’s not false reporting; you were directly and adamantly putting your personal fun and gains above your teams ability to win.
If you only want to pick those sort of heros, play quick play.
Where did u get this information?
It is.
Maybe but it wont help to anyone.
There is none of your business what should i do
I’m sorry you’re still being reported for playing Symmetra. The rework hasn’t helped much at all.
Strongly disagree with you. We all are free to play whoever we want. You don’t even know how does op play sym, as long as he/she play as a teammate, use Sym kit for win, op should be fine. But this community always reports to everyone who plays off meta heroes.
If you’re on my team sorry it is my business. But then again I use LFG so I get to make those kinds of calls. You want to play how you want? Great use LFG and there won’t be issues just make sure to let your team know what you want to play.
Then team-based games like Overwatch isn’t for you. There are plenty of great singleplayer games where you are free to do as you wish. Where that type of mentality thrives. Such a mentality does not belong in a cooperative game. Be it League, Overwatch or whatever.
Oh and its “Its none of your business what I do”. Or “What I do is none of your business”.
Literally everything you wrote has been described as not reportable under Blizzard posts and report descriptions. Every one of your points is considered false reporting, which is a bannable offense.
From skimming this thread it seems like the next step Blizz needs to take is more severe action against false reporting. All I see – like on most of the topics on this issue – is a bunch of people trying to justify falsely reporting players for picking a hero they don’t like in any given situation, and claiming that it’s Disruptive Gameplay no matter what Blizz states directly on the reporting screen (that picking any given hero isn’t reportable/bannable), and no matter how many times they state the same thing publicly. And then the off-meta haters still have the balls to say that those who want to play off-meta should use the LFG system, rather than expecting people who want a proper team-comp to use it, as it should be (and as it was designed for), or they can expect a false report.
The people trying to abuse the reporting system to harass others are the new proverbial Maury Povich-style teen girl who screams “I do what I WANNA DO” over and over, so Blizz will have no choice but to figure out how to identify those abusing the reporting system for teammate class picks they don’t like, and then put severe bans on them instead. One guy even had the balls to say that he’ll find a way to report players who pick chars he doesn’t like even if he has to harass them on voice until they say even one thing back to him, just so he can then report them for “abusive language” and feel good about himself for doing a semi-proper report, even though he had to violate twice the amount of rules to provoke a reaction from the other player – just…pathetic.
I remember watching some guy on Twitch the other day who was top 500 and was EASILY the most toxic person I’d ever seen. I don’t know that rank has anything to do with appropriate attitude
Thanks; I needed that laugh. Most untrue thing ever said on the forums. They don’t review before the ban, don’t review when you appeal, and don’t reverse bans. If you get X reports in Y games, regardless of a single one being legitimate or not, you will be banned and it will stay.
Punishing false reporting would mean they would have to not only audit some reports before a ban, but ALL reports, which goes against the point of a crowdsourced, automated system. A step in the right direction would be requiring review of X number of reports BEFORE a ban takes place (say 25% of the amount that triggers the ban), and reversing bans if the ban isn’t warranted based on what they verified. A step further would be to remove someone’s reporting feature for a week any time they are found to be patently false (I mean like reports for abusive chat when the reported player wasn’t in voice or chat the entire game, not things you can’t verify like “used racial slurs in voice” when the person was in voice but they don’t record so they can’t tell what was actually said).
Repotring for gameplay sabotage should be possible only with a short video recording option, like csgo or tf2.
I did that and they refused to look it up. I got reported for playing Symmetra (with 67% winrate) too often and got a ban for it.
That I’ve recorded EVERY single match didn’t bother them. They told me, that they don’t accept any third party sources.
But on the other way they play Big Brother in YouTube and ban you for “abusive chat” there in completely different videos.
I got proof that people reported me for picking a certain hero. They told me in voice chat and I have recorded all games. I provided the information to Blizzard but they refused to accept them.
Same situation here. Their customer support is the worst …
Actually Blizzard told me in an appeal that they associated like 10 reports for gameplay sabotage over a month with two games that I had my Wifi disconnect midway through. It’s really sad because I was actually trying ;/
Blizzard doesnt care
Yep xD
20char pepehands