Banned midgame, unknown reason and received no email. help!

I received the same issue. Initially I thought it was a locked issue and a GM got back to me stated to go through the process of unlocking through a security process. However, this did not resolve this issue. Also, underneath the play button, I see a “account locked” link. I click on it and I get sent to a “banned or suspended” forum. I sent an appeal about a day ago but no response yet. I hope this can get resolved soon.


same thing happened to me yesterday, no email of the reason why submitted a ticket but will see how long it will take for a response, i saw the Cowboy Bebop collab and i scared i wont get a chance to buy it cause of this issue.


Same problem, after being asked to confirm my xbox account, was locked out 6 hours later


he pinned a comment on the video apologizing for the mix up <3

same issue, any news so far?

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part of my original post was edited by blizz staff (and thats fine) so i know at least one blizzard staff saw the thread, a different blizzard staff has seen other posts and replied to them on the EU technical support forum page. and if you check the blizzardcs twitter replys, they have said theyre aware of the issue and are looking into it, but still tell players to submit tickets. just be aware when you do submit your ticket, you’ll get an auto-response that will close the ticket, just reopen it afterward and wait

i do wish they would do away with the automatic response completely and just keep it open until a person can manually check the ticket, but thats where we’re at. i’m checking back every few hours but i’m in the ‘waiting game’ phase now for the most part


Same. Suddenly locked out of my account since yesterday. No email warning, no instructions, no context given, nothing. I sent a ticket to the customer support of my country, and all I got was the exact same canned response about code of conduct, except not in English. For context, this is an alt account, but I’m hesitant to log into my main account since I’ve read from somebody with the same issue on reddit that they tried to play on a different account and got locked out of it quickly too. Fow now I’m waiting for an actual human response to my ticket…


Still no response. This is actually taking longer than my first ticket. Really hoping they’re trying to figure this out behind the scenes.

Edit: Someone in EU forum got a response : Overwatch 2 account is "locked" in BattleNet app - #27 by PXL-21617 - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums


Good morning everyone. Thank you Nicole for offering some advice here.

The process for allowing you all to unlock your accounts appears to be having some issues and it is currently under investigation. Please do not open a support ticket for this, our Customer Support teams may not be able to assist directly.

If we receive any additional information that we can share, or need to request more details from those affected then we’ll use this thread.


THANK YOU. Very happy you are looking into this.


Hope it’s fixed soon, I’m glad we at least got some clarity that it’s a bug on their end and being looked into. :pray:


Thank you for your response, we need it fixed soon.

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do u really play with joycons and drawing tablet and why the tablet sorry i know thats not what this post was ment to be about but i need to know also maybe they are doing a ban wave for like zims and what not and that tablet for some reason from there end would look like it was a zim

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why haven’t we received an email about our account being locked though? it’s not very fair to have people be locked for a day or more and have the support system not even respond

Thank you for writing on this thread Kalviery!

I’m in the exact same boat, got a locked account around 2 days ago without an explanation why.

I already made support tickets for this before you posted your comment unfortunately.

But you writing here will atleast put a lot of players at ease, it’s a horrible feeling to get ignored when something like this happens so thank you for taking your time and responding to this thread!

Will keep an eye out for updates here!


Generally, emails are sent out when there is an account penalty such as a silence or suspension. We may also send an email when your entire account is locked.

The SMS system built into Overwatch is intended to provide you with all of the information you would need through in-game UIs when you log in. Part of the issue, as others have mentioned, is that the expected in-game notification and directions are not appearing.

We’ve seen users successfully remove and reattach their phone numbers so we know that SMS services are working, but it is not being communicated back to the separate system that holds the lock on the Overwatch account.

That is at the root of what is being investigated right now.


thanks for the update!

Woah, I got in finally. For anyone still trying go to your battlenet account in security and select the check box to always require authenticator for login. This is suppose to remove sms verification. The next time I logged in I got the verification sms popup. I followed the directions from the Qr code. The first attempted didn’t load but the next one let me right in!


Nice! I’ll try that tonight!


commenting this because I just found a solution, or at least one of them.

the issue was that this is a normal account lock, but the usual alert that would show up in game with the QR code that would prompt the SMS code being sent did not show up.

It’s possible im wrong and maybe this like just got fixed but worth to try
I was launching the game through steam, I didnt even have it installed anymore on the launcher, and through steam the verification request did not show up, but I just installed the battle net version and launched it through there, and the alert did pop up, I was able to scan the QR code, and was sent to the page to submit the SMS code, which I got sent to my phone.

people mentioned before that they tried different methods verifications, and a lot of the SMS codes did work and were being sent, so it seems that it wasnt the SMS system that was broken, but just the initial prompt to even initiate the verification with the QR code and submit code page was not showing up.

if everyone having this issue happens to be running the game through steam, try installing it on the client and launch it through there, that fixed it for me and my account is now unlocked, I just launched it through steam and it logged me in.

if people using the battle client were also having this issue then im wrong and maybe just got lucky or it was fixed by the time im writing this.

either way the problem was the verification alert not showing up, and opening the game through the client caused it to show up for me. but if this doesnt work for everyone then hopefully more solutions get found or the problem is fixed soon!

If steam was the reason this was happening, then I assume there is some kind of problem where the alert that pops up to verify a locked account, is tied to a seperate system than just the overwatch game so steam is lacking the thing that obviously is present in the client allowing the blizzard alert to pop up, makes sense since it takes you to an external website to submit the code you recieve through SMS, and not an in game verification window.

(edit: If someone is free and online, let me know if this solution works for you as well!)