Ban MNK Users on Console

I’m a masters tank player on xbox without mnk I rarely ever see it I think you are blowing it out of proportion.

The OP issue is that controller-only lobbies would be full of Xim users. The only solution is for there to be no separate lobbies, and let skill be the determining factor regardless of input. Only reason they haven’t done that already is to not hurt the feelings of players who only play with a controller.

People have other accounts and gaming systems.

I won’t be so naive as to assume otherwise.

As for players at higher ranks using MNK, yeah it’s a real issue.

Since cross play has dropped I’ve encountered 5 PS users who openly admitted to it.

I formerly played with 6 different Xbox players, none of whom were lower than Diamond who all used Xim inputs.

They were all incredibly open about it and would constantly joke there wasn’t a controller left in Diamond.

You can’t just cave to these demands.

Again, the message sent here is that cheaters are literally the top of the community.

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They aren’t cheating, you’re gimping yourself and/or cannot handle your low rank, that’s all. I hope you figure that out soon.

What rank people fall into is irrelevant. The playing field would be level. Skill would be the only measure. Controllers playing against controllers, kbm playing against kbm and maybe even a mixed lobby for people who don’t care or want to play with friends using different input options.

There’s no defence for using a xim. Those people just want to cheat. I’m not condemning them, some just aren’t wired to be competitive in life. That’s fine. But there’s no reason to let their poor sportsmanship ruin it for the rest.


A PC is a superior machine in every way to an Xbox.

And like I said, you still don’t solve the Xim issue. Incredible how unsupportive this community is of banding together to stop cheating.

Like literally mind boggling why you would be so obstinate about an issue.

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You dont get it. Players can circumvent the controller-only lobbies by using a Xim.

I feel the same about your argument. You’re purposefully playing on what you deem to be inferior, yet have no motivation to play the other side???

You’re literally trying to find something to argue about and support cheating the community.

People like you can’t be reasoned with.

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People like you can’t be convinced that losing and having a low rank is ok.

On top of this, you claim to be on PC.

So why weigh in on this matter at all, if not to be an obstinate f#$k?

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Because your assumptions have no logic.

Although true, but I think once some XIM users feel what native keyboard and mouse support feels like compared to the gimped KBM controls from XIM, MAYBE some will stop using XIM. Just maybe.

it’s not a disguise of a regular controller. it IS a regular controller. xim translates mouse movements into analog stick movements. despite popular belief it doesn’t magically let you do anything you wouldn’t be able to do with a controller

Again, MS has said since 2018 they can detect XIM users. I posted the tweet from Mike Ybaraa above. If Blizz leveraged that API xim users wouldn’t be circumventing anything. They’d be gone. Period.


Wonder why they haven’t done that. Probably because the only real issue is whiney players who blame their input for why they can’t climb.

You’re on PC. You literally have no say in the matter.

It’s not an issue you deal with. It’s not something you have first hand experience with.

It is cheating, and it is common. The higher you go, the more common it gets.

You don’t know these things, again, you’re on PC.

Find a different post to go tr0ll.

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I know the truth hurts, man. Maybe when you are less emotional, you will realize I’m right, regardless of which platform I play on. Best of luck to you.

Yeah, I know that. XIM has the same limitations as a controller. Like there’s the turn speed cap on XIM because analog sticks can only go so far. That’s why I said XIM is nowhere near as good as actual mouse and keyboard.

You keep trying to make this about me climbing, instead of addressing the issue at hand, which is cheaters dominating the high ranks of the community on console.

Again, you claim to not be a console player, so you don’t have a clue about this. You should really keep your unfounded, baseless pure conjecture to yourself.