Backfills not working in qp

definitely some issue giving backfills in quickplay, i just played 3 rounds of qp, not a single match actually got to the end because too many leavers and the match is cancelled before the round can finish. so it just keeps putting me into priority requeue. also every match was 4v4 the majority of it.


This topic has multiple threads already, including these two being the most popular:

Your new topic only makes things more chaotic and disorganized. It’s bad enough there are two threads on this. If you’re going to report on the issue, please also include information that could help with resolving the issue instead of just posting a complaint about it not getting fixed fast enough.

They literally don’t care.

What more information is necessary, and what difference does it make if there is one thread or multiple threads about this?? When a player attempts to submit a bug report or ticket on this they are referred to this forum to voice their complaint. The problem is still not fixed.


It’s helpful to provide information like a replay code of the issue occurring, or details like “On New Queen Street (XXXXX), one support player from my team left 30 seconds into the first round, which triggered this backfill bug’s behavior, as no player ever joined our team for the rest of the 4 minute match. Then in a later match I played on Route: 66 (XXXXX), the other team’s tank left after we capped 1st point, roughly 1:30 into the 1st round, but they got a backfill 25 seconds later.”

The whole point of reporting an issue is to help the dev team find the solution to the problem. If they can’t reproduce the issue on their end, they can’t confirm what the root cause of the issue is that needs the fix.

It’s more about keeping a forum organized. You can see a bug report get more severe as more comments and views are added to a single thread, those categories get more saturated with orange color and eventually bolded. It helps more than just crowding the forum with a bunch of no-comment threads that sort of “muddy the waters”.

It’s the way Blizzard prefers it, as it’s mentioned in the Bug Report Forum Guidelines:

When providing information on a bug report, it is okay to post on an existing thread if your issue is exactly the same as the original post. If you are experiencing a similar issue with slight variations, please create your own topic.

  • Do not hijack threads with your new topic. Posting an issue which is similar but different from the original topic means that your request may be missed or the original request ignored.

This is also echoed by their automated system that warns when you are creating a new topic with a similar subject as other topics. Here is an example of that automation when I tried to create a new topic about this Backfill bug:

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75kyc4 watch that for an example of how fun you game isnt bliz

That was fully a rhetorical question. The real answer is no other information was necessary.

This is a big problem and it’s definitely getting worse. I came here to see if it has been addressed by Blizzard at all…so far I don’t see anything.

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It’s not getting worse; you’re just more aware of the issue, so you recognize it more often.

No, it’s getting worse.

How is it getting worse?

From what we can gather from the other, better threads on this topic, if a player leaves during hero selection, the match will not backfill other players. I witnessed it twice today across about a dozen matches because twice there were leavers at the start of the match. I also saw backfill work successfully when a player on my team left 5 minutes into the match, we got a backfill 3 seconds later.

Are you recognizing instances where someone leaves 5 minutes into a match and there isn’t a backfill? Or are you saying you’re seeing more players leaving early in a match, so you’re seeing the bug occur more times?

What is the problem that is getting worse? Because the bug is consistent; not affecting more or less than it would have the day or week before. Are you suggesting this problem would get better if there were no leavers?

I totally see where you’re coming from on this thread overall, but I don’t think it hurts for additional threads to exist outside the main two threads. What matters is the number of voices discussing the issue to try and the dev team to at least acknowledge the issue exists publicly and that they are working on it. I can guarantee that they are aware of the issue, but the fact they haven’t spoken about it at all to the community and their potential plans to fix it is adding salt to the wound. That having been said I would agree the bug isn’t getting worse it is just happening consistently. the problem stems from the leavers (which no one but that player can control) and the time at which they leave the game.

The information thing for me is neither here nor there. Yeah, providing info on the match and who left and all that is very helpful, but I don’t know how helpful it really is in this scenario since the bug isn’t directly gameplay related. It’s tied to a system that can happen at any given time and caused by any given person.

Your review of timing on the bug is accurate, but I have been in games recently where matchmaking fails to backfill in the middle of the match. Overall, I think your assessment of the bug is highly accurate, but I don’t think you should try silencing other people trying to voice their confusion and concern about the bug. The popular two forums you shared aren’t gonna be made visible to everyone immediately unless they go digging for them, or shared on other smaller discussions like this one. We all need out voices heard, so don’t try and make other people look stupid for sharing their concerns.

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It was more suggesting they redirect their concern by adding to the existing issue instead of creating a new thread, but I see what you’re saying, as my approach was a bit direct.

I touched on this point in my response to MerlinBrando, that when you’re creating a new topic, the interface has an alert when you might be reposting an issue that’s already being reported on.

I just took issue with the fact that the threads I linked to were both in the top 10 most recent threads replied to, yet this user and another each made additional topics without glancing at the concerns people were already raising in the forum. I take no issue with folks voicing their concerns, it just felt out of place to start a handful of new threads on the same topic when the discussion is already taking place at the top of the Bug Reports.

just happend again for me. half of my games someone leaves and we or the enemy get no backfill for like 10 minutes. togehter with the new leaver penality this is just so bad.