No backfill in QP

Continuing the discussion from QP games not getting backfill players to replace leavers?:

Still a problem in december, used to work in OW but has been rlly bad lately. Good to punish leavers but now im forced to play 5 min of 4v5 games… OW quality keeps getting worse


It happened to me in the past that we did not get backfill but very rarely. Now I had 3 matches in 2 days where someone left at the beginning and no backfill arrived. I also had match where 3 players left the enemy team pretty early and there was no backfill until the end of the match.


It’s obvious that this is a SEASON 8 PROBLEM right now. So, in the future, please COMMENT on discussions that have ALREADY STARTED on the same topic. Then this issue will get more attention AND MIGHT potentially speed up the FIX.


I’ve had this issue. It ruins the games

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It’s also good to send a bug report directly through the Blizzard app (

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It’s possible it’s NOT a season 8 issues and threads that get replies get bumped the same as when new ones get posted

Today alone I have played five or so games that had a leaver on mine or the enemy team that did not receive a backfill. Often it has been the tank leaving, so I wonder if tank players are just low in number right now. Only one of these games was actually closed after 3 of the 5 people on the team left. Absolutely ruins the quality of the match and leaves you wondering, “will I get to play this game in full or is someone going to leave?” every time you get in a match.

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Q490NV & A57SKJ - Our healer leave. No replacement, no motivation to play any more.


I’ve had multiple games now with no backfill in QP. So far not map or role specific. I’ve had DPS, tank, and support leavers that never get backfilled. Either you end up playing out the game and getting stomped, or enough people leave that the game ends itself. This needs fixing.

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NYV3GF - Right at the start of the match, DPS left. As an experienced Team4 player, we put so much in the match that it was really challenging for Team5 to win this game.

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Made a post of the same thing…but commenting here to corroborate… many games either have “waiting for player” at the start of a match, or there is never any backfill. The game will only close if 3 people leave. The match should just end after like a minute of being down a person just so nobody has to take the L and leave.

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or just fix the backfill issue… you know.

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It shoudn’t take a whole season to fix this. This should have been a Hotfix IMMEDIATELY after finding out it’s an issue. Or is Blizzard so lost and so disconnected from their playerbase that they can’t tell their matchmaking is broken?

This happens multiple games per day and if Blizzard devs actually do play this game often, it MUST be happening to them as well.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for them not to know this is an issue and yet over a month in of this happening EVERY DAY they haven’t even put it up on the list of bugs.


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This is the worse part: even though it’s Quickplay, it’s a lose-lose situation. I either stay and do NOTHING for 5 minutes and wait for the enemy team to end, or I leave and take whatever the punishment is (at this point I don’t even know what the penalty is, if any, for leaving games). AFAIK it’s just going to lower my Endorsement level (which I take some pride in keeping high and is one of the few meaningful rewards I get for playing well in the first place).

This doesn’t feel good anybody involved, please fix your game Blizzard.

How many posts and topics about this do you need to acknowledge this issue?

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From Blizzard Support site (Updated 3 weeks ago):

In Quick Play, if you leave four of your last 20 games played, you will be placed on a 10-minute suspension from queuing for any game mode that grants progression progress. If you continue to leave games, your suspension could increase to 30 minutes between queues

I believe the bump to 30 min suspensions is 6 of the last 20 games.

Somewhere, it was mentioned that with the start of Season 8, the leaver penalty was increased to 30 mins for the 1st offense and 4 hours for the 2nd, but I haven’t seen a huge outcry about a 4 hour wait time, so perhaps that’s not in the game yet, and probably something planned for next season.

First two games of the day…4v5. Can we get a post that you are aware of the problem and are working to fix it or something. Like you say you want to be better at communicating, but this kind of thing is why we get frustrated. Especially with new leaver penalties. If I left all of the games that are 4v5 i would have been suspended for 6 hrs…

Same experience here. First two games, a person leaves at the start - no backfill whatsoever. The scoreboard just endlessly stays searching for new players. This was in quickplay.

Had this happen to me multiple times yesterday and it just happened again today.

It happens a lot, it’s really frustrating because you still have a chance to win but with one player less is impossible

QX34SH: In Quick Play, the enemy team wins the first round. The second round lasts for a minute when the opponents DPS leaves the game, 30 seconds after this the second opponents DPS leaves as well. It won’t be long before the match is cancelled. I know, I played horribly on Hanzo in this match.