Note of Ref: Community Manager said the next ptr would be “awesome”: Remainder of 2020 Patch Schedule
Honestly I think the last and closest this year to an “Awesome” PTR was the Moira immune change in Augest… because it was “Great” change.
As in “Great” as in used Harry Potter, when Voldemort did “Great” things…
Still it was a “Great” PTR for this year… likely the “Greatest”.
But what changes would be “Awesome” enough to be a step up from “Great”?
Most likely it’s just going to be over-hype for something like Workshop. Or maybe another system change in line with priority queue.
Of course, I can’t help but wish for a shiny rework for Christmas, but those are unlikely to come before OW2 to begin with and probably counted as balance changes. And everything else “awesome” seems even less likely to drop till OW2.
Is he not just referring to Priority Pass PTR going live or…?
Edit: Wait actually you’re right because the PTR is def going live with Winter Event tuesday so an upcoming PTR probs refers to a new one
They could update the pratice range… because I kinda tired of showing off that they have been doing nothing.
aka ref: Testing Experimental Changes in the Practice Range - #10 by Doomfish-11651
It’s already on PTR so seems strange to hype it as the next one. Though…That would be awfully Blizzard of them to do.
Wait actually you’re right because the PTR is def going live with Winter Event tuesday so an upcoming PTR probs refers to a new one
Yes, that is more or less what he is alluding to, I suppose with the addition of something else and then of course WW. So I have no idea how this is “slowing the cadence.” But whatever.
Blizzard has done alot of “great” things.
For one: Imagine the guts just to say “You have Phones right?”
I mean, they did gift the world a Legendary tier meme with that one ![:grin: :grin:](
Just before 2020 too…(right? starting to feel old)
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It’ll be a search function and categories for sprays. Heck yeah!
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Hopefully they will bring the reworked Paris & Horizon maps up for testing.
I can see why they rework Paris… Omnic crisis and stuff…
But don’t see a story reason of Horizon… Unless… Aliens…
They said they’re reworking both maps because they’re bad months ago, they commented on their progress during the AMA and said neither maps rework was close.
they said alot on that AMA, but haven’t seen anything related to what they actually said there go live or to a PTR/ExC past the AMA.
Seems to be a bunch of crowd pleasing with fake intentions in the end.
They said they’d rework the maps way before this.
A lot of what they discussed in the AMA was theoretical. People asked for insights about Mei, Symmetra etc and they told us what they had done in the past or commented on it. Not a hard confirm they’d actually do anything.
A lot of it was just what the Devs think.
But they said Paris and horizon reworks aren’t done yet, they’ve said they’re coming though.
The reason you don’t see much on the ptr regarding what they talked about is because 1. they didn’t talk about a lot that was coming 2. what they did mention was mainly OW2 hints or reworks that would likely come with OW2
It could be some pretty big changes all at once.
I am looking forward to it.
You all complain you see a lot of changes, let be seeing these changes!!!
I’m super keen
The question is more being the right ones…
See earlier ref about Practice Range
That wasn’t PTR, that was experimental. They use PTR for new features, new heroes or fundamental changes to a hero’s kit. This 100% will not be any hero balance changes. At most we might see a rework but I feel that’s incredibly unlikely before OW2.
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Totally, but I am keen REGARDLESS!!!
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