"Awesome PTR"? ......What would make a PTR Awesome?


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Again 2020 been so long

Sym shield gen


I don’t think they want Genji or Tracer to get extra shield health ever again

But junkrat wants to sense it again!


Just wait for OW2 story ref like everyone else

maybe they’ve finally fixed the silent footstep bugs


McCree FFA nerf lol

Actually functional game audio. Like, you know, footsteps n stuff.

I know it’s super mega advanced secret gaming kung-fu passed down from unpaid intern to unpaid intern but cmon, other studios have made games with reliable audio so I know it’s possible.

There is and will be nothing “awesome” for Overwatch until Overwatch 2 comes out.

2020 was bad for OW ngl…

Maybe they’re finally going to gut the absolute hell out of CC to make this game worth playing again.

Or nerf Hitscan and double shield.

Ow2 otherwise its NOT awesome

Bastion rework lol :sunglasses:

Would just be happy to see temporary reworks…

Aka just to see how heroes do at other roles.

But I am afraid that boat has sailed now.

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