Attack Hero Concept: Jester (Feedback Appreciated)

I can see that, would you mind me asking if you have any ideas for a better ultimate? Or how I could balance this one to make it more fair?

All enemies hit by the effect see triplicate applied to all your allies the clones spawned from the ultimate cannot be destroyed unless the original hero dies. :stuck_out_tongue:

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“This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!”

“There’s more than ******* two you idiot!”

I mean a “clone swarm” ultimate would be sort of interesting. Maybe the clones can perform a weaker version of an attack in unison with jester, something like the Warframe Mirage’s “hall of mirrors” ability.
Each clone has its own hp and dies individually, so that even if the defending heroes waste their time on a clone they are slightly reducing jesters damage output. The ultimate ends after a timer is up, jester dies, or all of his clones die. Perhaps jester can swap with each of his surviving clones to keep the enemy guessing. In addition, triplicate would be a single illusion, and jester can swap positions with it at any time so long as it’s still alive to give it more utility, sort of like Sombra’s translocator.


i read his VLs as the joker

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Which one?

all of them. it’s such a fitting voice

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Fair point. Maybe a little feature of his is that his voice almost always sounds scrambled

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I LOVE IT!!! i would love to be the VA

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if you could think up some more voice lines, i could try and help with the concept!

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I do have a bit more, though these were mostly for fun.

Jester: “You’re called Widowmaker? What, you just said, ‘I’ll kill your husband! I’ll kill her husband! I’ll even kill my ow-ooooooooooooooooo”
Widowmaker: “You were saying?” (Kudos if you get the reference)

Jester: “I might be insane. But you’re downright evil.”
Mei: “I-I’m Sorry?”

Moira: “Overwatch’s ideaology, is a funny thing. Don’t you agree Fool?”
Jester: “Yea! Almost as funny as what’s gonna happen to you if you call me that again.”

WW Voiceline: “Someone’s halls are getting DECKED!”

SG voiceline: “I was promised games! Why is there only one?”

Anniversary Voiceline: “You’ve taken one step closer to death. HOORAY!”

LNY Voiceline: “How effective are fireworks as a weapon?”

Jester: “So Mr. Morrison, Dom or Sub?”
S76: “What did you say to me?”
Jester: “I prefer Dominos but we can get Subway if you want.”

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thank u so much friend

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what accent would he have

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I’m not sure what kind of accent it is, it sounds Irish, but I imagine him having Sheogorath’s voice from Skyrim

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then he should have “UNWORTHY” as a voice line!!!

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That sounds absolutely perfect

Oh my days.

this one is pure gold.

And yes, pls tell reference for the widow interactions.

one more: GG giggles
J: what the hell confused and scared

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The widow interaction came from an Omahdon video

Based off his lore

He seems he and Junkrat would get along very well.

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That’s good to hear at least

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