Attack Hero Concept: Jester (Feedback Appreciated)

We’re all a bit mad.

Lore: Most fear going mad, losing their sense of self, and becoming nonsensical. That was not the case for Jester. An Omnic left badly damaged after an assault from Los Muertos gang members, Jester became, for lack of better term, crazy. Laughing to himself, speaking with unseen entities, speaking utter nonsense. However, this madness was also accompanied by a tendency to become rather…violent.

Once Jester was fixed he sought out the same gang members who damaged him. Come next morning, the news of their bodies being found strung up like piñatas shook Dorado to its core.

News of the Jester spread worldwide like wildfire. An Omnic who vanished as suddenly as he appeared, and left any who survived an encounter with him rambling nonsense. Helix Security is now in hot pursuit of the rogue Omnic, but he always seems one step ahead of them…

Name: Jester
Role: Attack
Stats: 200 HP (200/0/0)
Speed: 5.5 MPS


Primary Fire: Jester’s Deck: A rapid fire hitscan Weapon with a clip size of 52. DPS value of 2.5-7. RoF at 20 per second. Reload of .95 seconds. Spread angle of 2 degrees. Can headshot. (Cora’s referenced with Sombra.)

Triplicate: Jester creates two identical copies of himself to his left and right, both of which have 75 HP. Upon activation, Jester will immediately switch pleases with one of the clones (it is possible for him not to switch.) The three move as a unit, and while the real Jester is the only one who can actually deal damage, the clones will fire at enemies as well. The clones dissipate after 5 seconds, or when Jester takes 100 points of damage. CD of 10 seconds.

Bamboozle: Jester takes on the appearance of one of the enemy heroes for 6 seconds. Attacking an enemy will break the disguise. It is possible for Jester to contest or capture points while disguised. CD of 12 seconds

Madness Merry-Go-Round: Jester shoots out a projectile, akin to Orisa’s Halt, that he can detonate at will, or will immediately detonate upon colliding with terrain. This projectile erupts into a massive red pulse of energy, with double the range of EMP. Enemies effected will become “Mad” resulting in one of the following effects being applied:

Illusionary Enemies: Models of enemies will appear around the hero afflicted by this.
Fake Effects: The visuals of being Hacked, Frozen, Anti-Naded, Healed, Boosted, And even Immortal will plague the UI of the hero afflicted (not all at once)
You’re Hearing Things: Enemies afflicted will hear the Ultimate fallouts of enemy heroes, even if they haven’t been activated or they do not have it.
Take away your toys: Abilities will have the illusion of being on CD, and Ultimates will have the illusion of being locked
I’ll take that: Progress on point capture and Payloads will increase, even if nobody is on point
Bamboozled: Enemies afflicted will have their UI changed to that of a different Hero, abilities and Ultimate icons however will not change.

It is important to note that effects are applied at random, and no hero can be affected by two at once.

Charge Required: 2135

Friendly Call Out: “We’re all a bit mad!”
Enemy Call Out: “It’s time to get WEIRD!”

“I call it DOOMAGEDDON!”
“Why did the chicken cross the road? That’s his business not mine.”
“Cards? Check. Hat? Check. Healer? Not check. No good.”
“I’m going to make a teeth out of your hat! Wait…no…”
“You ever feel like someone is controlling your every action?”

Respawn Lines:
“It’s not MY fault! It’s theirs!”
“Play me better damnit!”

Request Healing:
“I’ve got an owie, on my everywhere.”

Group Up:
“Stop what you are doing and START LISTENING!”


Lol i like it specially like the lines where he’s self aware of being in a game very fitting to a character missing its sanity.


I had a lot of fun making him to be sure. I just couldn’t think Up character interactions though

A deep meaningful conversation with bastion beeping constantly and him replying with really philosophical responses


I’m not sure how useful Bamboozle would be. The Spy’s disguise in TF2 works because there’s no hero limit, the teams are larger and there are fewer movement “abilities.” The minute the enemy team sees a second Rein not using his shield the game is up.

I also think Triplicate shouldn’t make the fakes go away the second the original takes damage.

Other than that it looks pretty decent.

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Thanks for the feedback! I suppose my original thought process would be that Jester could use Bamboozle to get closer to enemies, but you are right, especially if they see two Reinhardts side by side, I’ll see if I can change Bamboozle at all to be more effective or if I should just replace it

I love this. All of this is great and will be so useful. I love to see crazy kind of heroes especially like this


I freaking love this! If I could suggest an ability tho?

So I assume the deck is a literal deck of throwing cards. Maybe have an ability where he puts them all it one hand, and just let them fan out, doing a higher damage of Winston primary, that can be held as long as the ability is pressed. The trade off would be it’s short range, drains the ammo very quickly, and only deals damage if the cards hit (like shotgun pellets).

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When you say “Jester” I think of Junkrat, his personality and his cosmetics.

Perhaps a different name that still embodies your character design?

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Think off him/her like
The Joker/Scarecrow.

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Lol, looking at synonyms for “jester” I think I’d rather he were called: Riot or Hoot or Punch or Mapcap.

Nice character design though!

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I like your idea for the Deck. Moreover, I’ve thought of some…fun interactions.

Jester: “You there! With the fist! HIT ME! HIT ME IN THE FACE!”
Doomfist: “I’ve met strange individuals, but you are something…else.”

Jester: “Relax Jester, Intelligent Hamster isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.”
WB: squeaks
Jester: ”AHHHH!

Jester: “Someone, somewhere, has fantasized about being crushed between your thighs.”
Zarya: “This is why I hate Omnics.”

Jester: “Loves cavalry! The cheers are here!”
Tracer: “That’s…not right.”


I like it. But his whole kit seems like one of a non healing support. Distractions everywhere and nothing does damage. Still seems good and is a pretty cool concept. Good job! :clap:

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Thank you! I was debating on whether he would fit more as an attack or support, and then I remembered how much people loathe Supports who have no healing…


I understand completely.

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OH! I forgot to mention, the projectile form of Madness Merry-Go-Round CAN be deflected/eaten

Who knew you could eat your insanity away lol

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I LOVE THIS! Triplicate seems useful when used correctly but maybe increase the clone health a little and have a set duration for them being there because shooting the real Jester is way too easy to counter the ability.

Bamboozle I find could be useful moreso if the rng leans towards damage characters on the enemy team opposed to tank or support. it makes it less suspicious.

The ultimate is awesome. it could have a huge impact and spice up the pro scene heavily.