Attack Hero Concept: Jester (Feedback Appreciated)

Sorry it took a while I’ve been busy but I came up with a few.

Mercy interaction:
J- “Doc for your own health don’t google yourself”
M- “what are you talking about?”

Genji interaction:
J- “Ooh a big sword! Swing at me! Lop my head off”
G- “what is wrong with you?”

Hanzo interaction:
J- “You know I don’t think you and McCree make a good pair”
H- “Who’s McCree and what are you talking about?”

Junkrat interaction:
Junkrat- “Wow, your even crazier than I am”
Jester- “I’m not crazy. I’m perfectly sane. Your crazy”
Or jester- “Why thank you”

Some voice lines:
“It’s a mad mad world”
“I’m the mad hatter”
“I’m not crazy. The world is crazy. I’m a sociopath” (or something I’m not too sure about that)
“Don’t make me look like a fool” (possibly a voiceline he says when picked or spawning)


I love all of them, they’re hilarious, good job! I believe you’ll be pleased to know the work on my next Concept has begun

Thanks I wasn’t too sure on some of them. Great to hear the next one is being worked on. Meanwhile there’s me who hasn’t made on since maybe December

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I had one too:

Sombra: I will know your secret too, “Jester”
J: Honey, the day you do, you will quit your job. I will roll all these noobs!
J: She sprays all this gobbledygook and you call me insane?

J: What’s in those? Fart?
Baptiste: What?


On killing a Soldier: You were kinda wrong but I like the spirit.
On killing a Junkrat: There can be only one like us
On killing a reinhardt: David and Goliath, Circa 2070, Colorized
On Killing a widow: Sometimes bug spray doesn’t cut it
On killing a tracer: deranged laugh Cheers love! the spawn is here!
On killing an ana: There, you’re retired.
On killing a genji: This isn’t a cartoon

the last VL pokes fun on both weebs and Genjo


Those are all gold. There’s so much ridiculous potential for VLs with him

Here’s another one

On killing a Mercy: hums Flight Of The Valkyrie


I love it so much!

H-hey! I’m not a weeb!

A hero concept with personality?

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Wow, responses 5 days after the last post on here? That’s, surprising to say the least

I would increase reload time to 1.15, the damage and spread look fine

Hmm this ability is definitely unique… But its usefulness is low, I would suggest reworking it… Maybe something like the Jester and the 2 clones after activation can fire a single piercing shot all 3 shots firing together dealing moderate damage each, you could also have the shots cross paths at 10 meters for a burst damage option in his kit, nothing too high but decent

Again while unique its useability is low, however it has a lot more potential than triplicate imo, perhaps as an added effect the ability’s button is replaced with the disguised hero’s ability of the same button which he can use once before the disguise breaks


Holy mother of visual clutter

Well this abilities effectiveness varies greatly by its very nature however it also varies by rank, lower tiered players will be more susceptible to its effects while high tiers probably wont even notice, thats about all I have to say about it, its an ability thats either op or up simple as that