Attack Hero Concept: Jester (Feedback Appreciated)

Thank you! That does sound like a good idea to help Bamboozle out. I was honestly worried how MMGR would work as an Ultimate not gonna lie

I feel like this is one of your most likable concepts imo. May I give some ideas for voicelines or interactions?

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But of course good friend

Thank you. I’ll try to get back to you tomorrow with what I have

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I look forward to it!

Great ideas! I just feel it’d be a quite hard to create a personality for him different from Junkrat… I mean, they’re both crazy and all…

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There are many different types of crazy. There is crazy like Junkrat and then there is crazy like this guy where nothing he does makes sense. He is more like Deadpool I think than Junkrat


I couldn’t have put it better myself. I wanted to make this guy the type of character even Junkrat would find…disturbing

Am I the only one who isn’t big on this concept? “Hologram” abilities aren’t bad, nor is disguise (it’s also easily counterable) but the “madness” concept sounds… absolutely cancerous. Random series of random fake information in a game that in order to be effective requires the processing of information (especially things as critical as ults and cooldowns) is just…no. There’s taking away your ability to move or act (which is bad enough) and then there’s this.

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Well I sort of made it with the mindset of, “Something like this can be countered by team communication.” I guess I neglected to add, no heroes can have the same effects applied to each other, that’s why I gave the Ult six effects, one for every member on a team, granted if it effects them.


It’d be better to have one effect that is consistent. Either way, all the effects sound terrible for the reasons I stated above. Not trying to be a dick, though.

Keep the hitscan cards semi auto.

But a full auto mode too where he puts the cards into his left and fans them off with the right. You decide the rate of fire, but there has to be spread, because if it was full auto at semi auto accuracy it will murder long range heroes.

Bamboozle can do one thing though: switch hero boundaries such that enemies become friends and friends become enemies, thus making them susceptible to friendly fire while the others wonder what is going on. names are switched over too. this could potentially implode the team.

second effect can be that all the keybinds are swapped so you have got a zen discording the enemy rein while pressing Left click which keeps reloading him. with an element of surprise, this would be EXTREME OP as an ult

“Madness is confusion made into an art”

:joy::joy::joy: This sounds more broken than Brig at release in its proposed state, but otherwise I love it!

No, no, just no. This violates any sense of consistency for the game. Generally speaking a good consistent rule is “I can shoot towards my teammates and expect them not to take damage.” Turning that rule on its head (let alone a character doing it with a button press) is a terrible idea as one person dropping the ball causes the entire team to suffer. There is enough suffering in this game when somebody drops the ball.

Jiminy Christmas, this is even worse than the above effect. Is this trolling? A contest to come up with “most cancerous hero?” This removes player agency in the worst way possible. Apparently “Madness” translates to “Rawr XD random” now.

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You can leave the thread anytime you like. This hero hasn’t even had a concept yet. Chill.

the concept of friendly fire is very prevalent outside this little bubble you call Overwatch.

Its doing its job perfectly if it does that. It is triggering people who think their team is holding them down. and once this hero gets out, there will be no surprises like RaWr xD rAnDoMMM then. The people will learn to play around it.

Just because brig was a disaster don’t mean everything new will be.

We aren’t hero developers. Let us have fun

Just because it exists in other games doesn’t mean it belongs here. I’m well aware that games have it. I play them. It’s not a welcome addition to a game that already depends on teams not screwing up.

Yes, let me play around my controls being randomly scrambled/reversed. Even if it wasn’t random, it might as well be a stun. You have kneecapped the player’s mechanical skill.

Thank God.

If coming up with galactically terrible hero ideas is your idea of “fun”, knock yourself out, I guess.

Can we not argue here? This was just a thread for a Hero Concept I thought was fun. I asked for feedback and Panfried gave it. He’s entitled to his opinion the same as everyone else

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For the record, I like the idea of an “illusion” based hero. I really do. I main the HoloPilot ability in Titanfall 2. The feeling of deceiving/tricking your opponent is rewarding. I get what the hero is trying to do, sowing discord and second guesses around a team. I just don’t think generating the level of fake player input that madness would do or crippling player output is a good idea for a hero at all. People would hate it. I might have been a little caustic, but we already just suffered through a terrible meta.


I can absolute see where you’re coming from, I guess I also wanted to make him rather infuriating to play against, especially against uncoordinated teams, though I might’ve made him a bit TOO infuriating, even if he lacks kill power himself

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I get that, and the “paranoia” theme. (creepy jester robot and all) It’s just that looking at a character from a balancing standpoint of “how does this ability feel to be used on me” it doesn’t seem like it’d be fun, or even something you can play around. It could be simultaneously as innocuous as “flashy stuff happening to me that isn’t really and I will just ignore.” or as obnoxious as “I got killed because the game gave me false information that I have no way of readily deciphering.” There really isn’t an in between.