Ashe's GIGA shadow nerf needs attention/reverted

If they’re going to do that, they need to increase her ultimate charge rate.

This entire balance patch is so weird imo. Completely nerfing fair heroes/interactions like Sigma and Ashe. I don’t think a single person has looked at Ashe in season 3 and thought “Wow, this character is OP”

Never underestimate Blizzard forum-goers penchant for hyperbole.

She’s not even crazy with damage boost. Still does less damage than Sojourn rail gun without mercy pocket.

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I’m baffled at how people reacted to this change. Is it just because its in the bug list?

I don’t really care about the history behind their changes. Lets get to some simple facts instead, such as, I don’t know…

B.O.B. being the easiest, lowest risk ult in the game with a huge reward potential?

Why in ALL HELL should anyone be allowed to get ult charge while their ultimate is out? Why is that suddenly something that is defended? You can’t get yourself killed using BOB. Its so easy, its super powerful, its disconnected so you can just keep pressuring with your entire kit.

So why do you also need to get ult charge doing it? How in all hell is that fair?

NO ONE should get ult charge while their ult is out. Period. And stop acting like Ashe isn’t a really powerful hitscan character.

Tracer’s ult is too short of a time for it to actually matter imo, a change like that would be useless to her really.

I mean it kinda is because they don’t label it as a nerf, rather a “bug fix”.

I think “indirect nerf” would be the correct term.

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Every hero has to reach 100% ult charge before being able to cast their ultimate again. Ashe is one of the very few that only have to reach 70% after casting her ultimate because B.O.B. was able to collect charge for her over his duration.

That 30% is massive. Ashe is not “B.O.B. or nothing” when it comes to her strengths. She is strong even without her sideman. This nerf does not reduce her effectiveness in regular play.

All it means is that there is a longer period each time between B.O.B. showing up and popping off. During these downtimes, Ashe is the same.

No that’s wrong. Bob has never generated ult charge. Ashe has always had to do it herself.


If they are doing this then they should also change Wrecking Ball mines.
Why is Ball allowed to generate ult while the mines are out and active?


BOB aint the one charging her ult btw :joy:

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She originally didn’t gain ult charge with bob out, which was a bug. They fixed that years ago. Now they are reverting it. She wasn’t “introduced” with the bug. They deliberately added it in post release.

My apologies, wasn’t meant to imply that the charge was just from B.O.B. Her sideman is out on the field and she’s still getting charge from her shots, while other heroes with a similar “duration” ultimate are blocked from doing it herself.

Same to you. Meant it as a turn of phrase but, yeah, it paints the wrong picture. My mistake.

I’d love to say no one should get compensation buffs for a bug fix, the very idea is utterly ludicris, but Blizzard already gave Tracer compensation buffs after fixing her fall-off bug so…

HAHAHAHAHA THEY PUT THIS UNDER BUGS?! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA got damn son. That is one massive nerf, and not a bug fix. Damn. How do they even walk around at blizzard without their spines?

he doesn’t, but damage ashe can do while bob is out still did

Well, it’s not a shadow nerf if it’s stated in the patch notes. However, I don’t think it’s a bug either. She’s been in the game since 2018 and has always been able to gain ultimate charge during the time BOB is active. From all the creators who have pointed it out as a “tip and trick”, you’d think Blizzard would notice it sooner rather than later.

tl;dr: Not a bug, Blizzard knew about it. Just treat it as a nerf in the patch notes.

Good to know I can generate no ult while Bob falls asleep as soon as his feet hit the ground. So much value!

Cry me a river, most other DPS are slept directly instead. And then they die. And they can’t get ult charge either way either. What a joke.

Does Hanzo get ult charge while shooting targets while dragons are flying? If yes, Hanzo should not get ult charge from his shots while dragons are flying. That would be equal to Ashe not generating ult charge while Bob is active.

At least its a garbage ult but otherwise I agree. Wrecking ball also generates ult charge while his mines are out, and he does not in any way deserve it.

ashe is fine. people so mad she doesn’t get 30% free ult charge while bob is active.
her ultimate cost is still lower than echo, bastion, and soldier.