Ashe's GIGA shadow nerf needs attention/reverted

Not to sound heartless but Ashe has always hovered around being the consistently good dps and I doubt even this will take her down to the lower tiers so I dont feel that bad about this

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Is Bob so essential that any moment spent playing as Ashe and not gaining ult charge effectively throwing? I doubt that

They should apply the change to Hammond snd Torb too if they settle on this, but regardless I think Ashe will be fine. Of the three ults that function this way, Ashe’s has the most utility.

Bump for attention. Good luck though, they still won’t give people missing OWL and Contenders drops let alone noticing a game breaking bug/nerf/fix/mess.

To my understanding only Ashe and ball could gain ult charge while their ult was active. It is very weird and I don’t think it should be this way. I mean why can’t soldier gain ult while visor is active? Or even genji blade?

do you really have to make it about your precious low skill heroes bruh
those have insane survivability

and Torb, and Hanzo

calling mei low skill when her ult is arguably the most skill needed one to get effect from?

its slow to set up, its global announcement gives ppl plenty of time to scatter, and unless you literally have them all stacked together she will never get more than a triple kill during it.

unlike ashe mei has to put herself in range of danger to function.

yes, mei can iceblock but its a double edge sword as it also sets her up to get surrounded/sniped moment it ends.

requires aim (or blind enemies) to land lava.

requires blind enemies to not gtfo of massive glowing dragon.

Bob is different in that only way to avoid him is to LoS him/kill him.

Her prior buff to prioritize ashe’s target was a huge buff to begin with.

this only balances its uptime. (imagine if genji got ult during his. strong duration ults shouldnt have high uptime)

I honestly wouldn’t mind the nerf if it was addressed as that, a nerf. Its being addressed as a bug fix when previously they also said it was a bug and made her gain ult charge while he was active so now they’re contradicting themselves lol

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The charitable interpretation is that they completely forgot they considered the older state a bug in the first place (which isn’t actually that uncommon even among a consistent team over this many years) but it still looks terrible in terms of optics.

I’m tired of everything being called “GIGA” too but it’s definitely something that’s unwarranted in terms of the level of its impact.

Does Soldier’s ult gauge start charging when he uses his ult and start shooting? Or Genji’s Doragon Blade? If they don’t, why the heck would Bob build your ult gauge anyways?

There are a number of ways to interpret consistency. BOB himself never gave ult charge. Just like how Wrecking Ball’s mines never gave him ult charge. However, since they are ults that are dropped and act autonomously, the characters themselves could gain ult charge after releasing them.

So for example, if you want to have a consistent rule meaning “ultimates do not generate ult charge”, ashe was consistent with that. If you want to have a consistent rule meaning “characters do not generate ult charge while their ultimates are active”, ashe is now consistent with that.

Personally, I feel like the latter variation punishes heroes who have longer, lower-impact ults and overly rewards heroes with burst ults, but that’s certainly up for debate.

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Just reduce Ashe’s ult charge and call it a day already

Sym has piss-poor survivability and neither hero is lowskill… Try again.

God I wish my hero could just stand on some high ground across the map and shoot stuff safely - that’s so high skill!

Just because they added it to the notes, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a stealth/shadow attempt.

My gripe is that Ashe was introduced several years ago with the ‘bug’, but only now it’s being changed and called a ‘bug’.

I wouldn’t mind if they framed the change for what it is, a nerf. Instead, they want to call it a bug.

I wouldn’t say I like calling the devs incompetent, but I think we need to call out the duck for being a duck. So Ashe has had this ‘bug’ since inception, and 4 years later it’s been ‘fixed’.

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It’s frustrating cause they keep saying they fixed it. I don’t know if it’s working while they test it and it breaks when going to live, or something else.

Will it kill Ashe? Maybe. It’s definitely a big nerf. Bob is a huge part of Ashe and getting the ult one fight later every time will definitely make her much worse.

Is it a crutch you’ll have to learn not to abuse? That’s put really weirdly. It’s not like a tech you use. You play normally, you just get more ult charge in a game. Now you get less, simple as that. It’s not like you can “play around” that.

Ashe drops bodies with or without B.O.B. Every other hero has to do the same without getting a free 30% ult charge while their ultimate is still active.

If she needs adjustments later, fair enough, but there should be no boohooing over having to put the same amount of effort in as everyone else.

I don’t get your line of reasoning. Heroes are different. They deal different amounts of damage, they have different finishing capabilities, they have different ults. Saying “well that hero cant charge ult while ulting” really is just an empty statement. There is no conclusion to be made from it. Ffs, the whole point of having different heroes is that they each are different with different mechanics.

“well Cree has to reload after 6 shots, so Soldier should do the same humunuhuumuhumuuhuhu”

The only relevant question is: Was she balanced before?

If so, she is now weak, which is bad. If she was OP, she is now more balanced, which is good.

Personally I don’t think Ashe was OP at all, so this change is bad.

A bit hyperbolic title but, this is absolutely an interesting change.

Up until Ashe was released, gaining ultimate charge while your ultimate was active was the most taboo thing to even consider. Even interactions with a very tiny windows of opportunity[1] would be quickly nerfed because it was unacceptable. After the update to Ashe to allow ultimate charge while Bob was active, we just considered it fine. Wrecking Ball came out a bit later and gaining ultimate charge while one is active was their default setting. Honestly though, I’m not sure if the devs ever explained why they changed their opinion on ultimate charge gain during an ultimate of yours is already active.

The inconsistency is the most confusing thing.

[1] In Orisa’s original Ultimate (Supercharger) you could gain ultimate charge during the one-second cast time. Technically you couldn’t do anything while placing Supercharger but if a previous environmental kill finished during that second you’d get the percentage. Gaining Ultimate charge during that cast time was considered wrong and too strong.

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Technically Zarya too, though she has to basically aim grav straight up in the air to earn any charge before it lands. Once it lands she can’t gain more until it ends IIRC.

Was a marblr video about various characters and how they gain ult charge.

It’s not a secret tech that one has to sprain their wrist to perform in order to gain advantage, it’s simply less ults for Ashe over the course of a game. The Devs have certain baseline benchmarks for all the heroes and if they notice that Ashe is underperforming, they’ll reduce her ult’s cost.

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