Ashe just got a cold hard nerf, and it's not in the patchnote

She can no longer gain ult charge while Bob is on the battlefield

You may argue : “this puts her on par with characters like Symmetra who summon something with their ult”. Well yeah, but :

  • This was unnecessary, Ashe is not performing that great (and she’s also the least picked character in the OWL)
  • This was undocumented in the patchnote, which is always a bad thing to do (except if it’s an unintentional bug, but I doubt it)
  • Torbjorn can still gain ult charge even when there’s some Molten Core on the battlefield, so why not Ashe

Bug or nerf, I hope the devs revert that as soon as they can


The gods roll the dice, their minds as cold as ice, and someone down here loses someone dear… sorry… it just came to mind the weird random things that Blizz does.


They should make it consistent one way or another TBH. All or none.


Oh no,

A DPS nerf,

Not in my game


Oof. That’s actually pretty bad. Should be reverted since it wasn’t even in the patch notes.

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It probably wasn’t supposed to work that way to begin with. Both Ashes and Syms ult put them in positions to be much more free with what they can do, making gaining ult charge easier. You could easily get 50% on your ult with Bob up or Syms wall, which is an unfair advantage just like it was an unfair advantage for old Sym and Widow.


I also compared her Ult to Wrecking Ball’s, minimal direct influence over his damage abilities so ult charges again. Any idea if his was changed too?



for real, like, actually? is this…a thing??? ashe apparently needed a nerf i guess. really hope this is a bug.

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This game has never been very consistently fair in that regard. Some heroes have their ultimates canceled when stunned, others don’t. Some heroes self harm, others don’t.

There’s no logical explanation I can think of as to why Pharah and Ashe can hurt themselves with their explosives but Torbjorn can stand in his own nacho cheese vomit and not be burned.

I just wish the game was fair in that sense. Either everyone’s ult get cancelled or nobody’s does. Either everyone gains ult charge during ultimate or nobody does.


The ult charge during Bob was fine, Bob is pretty easy to deal with.


Ashe has one of the higher GM winrates, and her pickrate isn’t awful. So it’s not completely unreasonable of a nerf, but she also didn’t necessarily need one either. IDK.

Either way, it should be in patch notes or they should clarify.


And any decent Ashe farms Bob fairly quickly anyway. Why should she have an inherent advantage that has been deliberately removed from other heroes? The fact she could do this was likely a bug or oversight to begin with.


Its not in the notes so it sounds like a bug.

With how expensive & kinda weak BOB is, and the ults where they can gain charge as its active are intentional, it doesn’t make sense to do this unannounced.

You ought to take it to the bug report section of the forums.

Her ult is average at best so again I fail to see the logic of her needing a nerf if it’s not a bug.

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That would be a strange nerf at this point in time, I’d just report it as a bug for the moment.

Moira’s ult is average at best and she can’t gain ult charge during it. Your answer was not a good answer to my question.

Why should Ashe have an inherent advantage that was deliberately removed from other heroes? Those heroes in particular being Sym 1.0 and Widow.


Thats probably just a bug fix. No hero can farm Ult charge while their Ult is active.

I know torb and hanzo can, pretty sure hammond too. Their ult isnt what gives them any charge, but the dmg they do during it does.

That is a huge nerf to Ashe.

I don’t want to hear it was a “bug fix” when Ashe has been out for over half a year at this point.

She doesn’t need a nerf, she was fine where she was.