As someone who tried the support role again

I mostly play Ana, but recently I have been playing a lot of Baptise because I’m stuck with DPS Moria that almost never heals, and DPS that never kills the pharah that is giving them trouble.

Even then, all the heals and immortal fields is not enough to save them. I have to spam heal, shoot, heal, shoot, hoping I can kill the enemy while healing in order to win. This is really hard when I have to swing my camera all over the place to perform this action.


No, people need to stop suggesting that the passive support gets a gun, she’s a passive support, people that like her like her because she’s passive, stop suggesting ways to make those that like her to dislike her.


I usually play alone and it can be a bit stressful watching everyone’s “positioning” and awareness… but I have a tank buddy I que with sometimes and what a wild difference it makes.

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As a support main getting chewed out for not heal botting is no longer the most annoying thing for me. It’s now watching my Tank repeatedly not group up and run off to 1v5 the enemy team.

Had a game last night where I refused to help Ball anymore because of how annoying he was playing. We still won. But man that was a headache.


If you it has been a long time since you played support, I guess your problem would be that the game puts you initially in a rank where only the braindead are playing, which obviously is a problem at the support role who is the strongest to enable others.

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I like Mercy. Give her a damn proper gun. You can literally walk between her bullets.

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Moira is actually part of the problem. If you like playing her then you can definitely have more fun right now than with most other support heroes as she can duel or avoid flankers.

But at low elo there are a lot of DPS/flank moiras and most other supports generally don’t stand a chance against her in 1v1 so she is one of those heroes making the game miserable for supports. And her constant orbs are way too annoying.

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No, if you like having a gun play a different hero.


aslong its not my problem…

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I already have a gun. It just needs to be up to OW2 weapon standards.


Partially true; Genji causes this problem, for sure, as does Sojourn, and Widow makes it incredibly boring/frustrating as you must play out of her potential LOS or you die, but it means being inefficient in your role.

But Reaper is kind of a joke and Sombra absolutely shouldn’t be consistently deleting you on support. If she is, then your positioning is incredibly off. She is literally hard countered by playing as if you’re in a team, which you are, rather than going off by yourself.

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i mean kiriko is closer to a dps type character so

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This happened to me in quickplay last night. I was playing Brig and noticed that I was outhealing the Moira on the scoreboard and that the Moira kept throwing damage orbs. I ended switching to Baptiste to try and keep our team mates health up. I ended up with double almost triple healing output despite being Brig for most of the match.

I watched the replay and the behaviour of the Moira was odd. She was watching the enemy team way more to throw damage orbs than looking at our team, spending time very passively with poor positioning and wasting her Fades to reposition 3m away. I’m guessing she was soft-throwing because no way a normal player (even a kid) would play in such a weird way.

I don’t mind people playing poorly in quickplay (I’m Bronze) but not even playing the game is just ruining the game for others.

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As a Bronze Tank and Support player who can barely aim, I love playing Brig in OW2!

She can outduel a Genji, turn diving enemy Lucio’s into health with Inspire and whip shot Tanks to get healing. Her new Shield Bash seems to have a good distance as well. When I use it to chase after a retreating enemy I often accidentally eliminate them.

Her shield is also amazing at creating safe spaces. I’ve been practising using it to protect my Tank or fellow team mates when they are under fire. It definitely helps!


Wrong, dps will be low if tank keeps yolo’n, heals will be low if tanks n dps yolo and your run back n forth. The scoreboard doesn’t really tell the story like it would in CoD


As someone who’s put a lot of time into the character, it’s not difficult for Moira to out-damage the dps. Every damage orb she throws is a free +200 dmg to the scoreboard, and you should be outliving your dps in most situations anyway which means you have more up-time. Having more damage than a dps doesn’t really mean anything in and of itself. Numbers are important, but not without context.


Not to mention her ult goes through everyone


Well thanks! But more I play games more the matchmaking seem to put me in good games. I have way less headless chicken than before and it result in a more fun experience.

Support is really the carry role of OW2, and when peoples will finally play betters and learn the game they will kick butts hard.

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team forgets they now have to help out as a team effort to help supports when theyre getting focused all game and will push up so far and wonder why they werent healed and flame us for not healing. its miserable.

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She has an aoe cleanse, a teleport, talisman healing, wall climb and her ultimate increases speed for everyone, the ONLY part of her kits thats DPS is her kunai, that’s it.