I both respect you all, support mains and admire your patience. I’ve went 3 matches back to back and these were the most painful and miserable matches of my life. 5v5 really screwed up this role even more. Tank needs babying, DPS goes in alone and dies making Supports vulnerable while they spam “Support diff lmao” in chat dead.
From playing Tanks all the time (except for the Flex challenges) it felt a sad to see the other side of the coin. My deepest condolences to you all. You all have otherwordly patience.
In many games with support/healer roles, when they do well they often go unnoticed because other roles more visually do better. When problems hit it is a blame game though lol… true for tanks too (i consider tanks a type of support personnally).
I do believe a lot go into it to contribute behind the scenes. It ia not the POTG that motivates but the “thank you” sometimes. That “thanks” can be a huge motivator for people
Depends on the support I guess
I have genuinely been having a blast with kiriko
Support is very hit-or-miss. If the other team picks genji or reaper or, especially, sombra or a couple of others, and they just flank the whole game and wipe out the supports over and over then, yes, it is miserable and with a team that won’t protect you the game sucks (and sticking with your team just gets you killed in the crossfire since there is usually no shield).
In games without those heroes it can be really fun. I presume at higher ranks with teammates peeling for you the fun factor should go up playing support. But at low ranks it’s unfun a lot more than it’s fun at the moment.
ive been absolutely carrying on zen, that kick buff is just. so so so good
Tried to play support it’s unbearable right now. If there is a Sombra in the game it’s barely worth leaving spawn because gold tanks and dps have no clue how to peel just type in game chat how bad you are while they are off feeding lmao
A good support determines the outcome of any match, really. Just know that you sometimes cant depend solely on your team to keep YOU alive. Its why mercy is arguably in a rough spot rn in terms of balancing. She is by far the weakest support in terms of self defense. she can get jumped so easily and its hard when youre only armed with a pea shooter to stop a sombra or genji when they set sights on you.
Play Lucio and git gudder.
Brigitte ties it all together for me. I like to play tanks mostly, specifically Reinhardt, but I’ve been giving Brigitte a chance recently and have been having both fun and successful matches.
It’s always nice to hear the “Thank you!” Voice lines 
Lúcio was my go to in OW1. Honestly i don’t know how many players do the “Thank you!” In earnest because theres a challenge to do so.
I have to get used to the new Brig though even though i like her playstyle. The new Bash feels like a “Kill me!” button.
Playing support is at its worst when you have a pharah targeting you the entire game and your team does nothing about them.
Yes. Not all who play support like being behind the scenes. Just i noticed from other games it is something i see. In fact in some games a support char build may be to lower heal output a little to add more debuff so dps can do more damage and therefor win faster (in mmo experience which i know this isnt)
then i go full dps moira and make their lives miserable lmao
support is really (kiriko/moira) fun for me but i dont play ranked so i dont even feel bad when my team sucks.
the new score screen exposes players that dont carry their weight and it makes it easy to tell who to focus when it comes to heals…
Am i the only one who feels like Moiras TTK against enemies is much faster from both inside and outside? Or its just a placebo. For some reason i feel like it.
Yeah, just go Moira, out-stat everyone else in the lobby, then tell them to press tab if anyone says anything about how you chose to play. If my DPS refuse to get picks, I will.
IDK if it’s my tier, but every single game there’s at least 1 DPS with a lower damage stat than me, and I’ll have at least an equal healing number to add on top of that damage.
I’m extremely curious to know exactly what it is they’re doing.
Moira was literally completely unchanged from OW1 to OW2, if that helps (save for her passive, but she could just Orb herself, anyway).
Maybe just people using Damage Orb more frequently because of the passive makes me feel like it then.
I mean I’d argue they should’ve been using Orb like that the entire time. I try to keep my damage/healing even.
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see thats what i mean…the score screen exposes trash dps players.
what you described happens alot. also if i get focused down by a winston or some flanker as kiriko and i feel im dragging my team down i burn the ult and switch to moira and get revenge
I play Lucio and it feels like more of the same