As someone who tried the support role again

Burst is more valuable than chip. There is nuance that the awful scoreboard doesn’t capture. A Widow can do 400 damage a minute, but if all of that is two headshots on the supports, they don’t need to do anything else to win the game.


Welcome to feeling your role is now equal with the others. No more sitting and healboting from safety.

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Honestly the only support I hate playing currently is Ana, she did not make the switch well.


I was farmed by a Genji last round and killed over and over by a Sombra before. Yeah… its really nice to play the game like this. No matter people think Kiriko and Moira are OP! They are the only ones that can escape this mess!!

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Here, here! :grin:

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I’ve had great success as Mercy and Brigitte as well. If I tried Lucio and Bap I would imagine its mostly fine too, honestly its just Ana and to a lesser extent Zen that has an issue.


There are so many teething issues with 5v5 as support, and it will take some balancing and a lot of learning (on my end) to find the new equilibrium.

Instructions unclear, am dead. :dizzy_face:

FR though, a big part of this is finding the support(s) you ‘click’ with.

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Kiriko is OP, but not because of individual "I can’t 1v1 her on gengu :sob: " reasons. It’s a totality of how she fits into and enables certain comps. Moira isn’t OP, people are just braindead and keep trying to duel her in places where orb can succ their life away for free.


Stop quoting without the context! They are both not OP at all. They are the new baseline and other supports are just worse.

I said:

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I don’t think it’s reasonable to treat Kiriko as the baseline, honestly. If she’s the baseline for support role then every other support needs a huge turbobuff because she’s incredibly busted.

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I feel like the support role is easier than DPS. You do nearly the same amount of damage as a DPS player and you get a self heal.

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It’s basically the same for every single game as a support/healer though.

The most thankless job that goes unnoticed until things stop going smoothly, then they’re the first to get blamed.


This. Honestly, getting rid of her pistol and giving her a tertiary alt-fire when pressing both rmb and lmb that is functionally identical to the pistol would help with this tremendously.

Her problem is simply that she’s a pain to multitask with. Not only can she can only do one thing at a time, she’s burdened with a weapon swap mechanic. In fact with that said, I take that back, she’s incapable of multitasking by design.


Hey support stop fighting and heal me,im in other side if the map,i need healing
Looks familiar?:grinning:


Oh you dont say? Kiriko is not busted. Far from it. She has no self heal, her only attack option is slow, does low damage normally, has low ammo and the fire rate is slow. The suzu is niche and in 90% of the cases strongly situation dependent. The only good things about her are the teleport and ult. The rest is meh.

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Mercy is often a throw pick in ow2 if you don’t have good dps on the team, and so many mercy just refuses to use their pistol saying it’s not a part of her identity.

If your team has good dps, Mercy pocketing them is a nightmare. But on the other hand, the dps would have still carry even without the mercy.

She doesn’t need a healing buff, but she needs something else to contribute to the fight. Something more active.

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Moira diff :woman_standing:


As a support main, having fun really depends on the character and rank. I used to play alot of Ana in OW1. Now I’ve switched to characters with more sustainability (Moira, Brig, Bap) because surviving as a support is 5v5 is priority. Ana and Zen just get over run over by flankers or tanks. I’ve even stopped playing Ana in DM, which was my favorite character in that mode. Lucio and Kiriko are fine, I just need better aim with their primaries. Mercy can be great if her pistol fired bullets and not slow moving lemons. I want her to have some self defense against flankers instead of flying away. However, this is all based on my rank. It could be entirely different for ranks higher than mine.


Sure, but it’s more often we have to fight tooth and nail for a win, and I would see and note those high-impact kills in the feed, nevermind feel the game going well/easy. More often than not it’s myself and the tank with highest elims :eyes:

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honestly its the toxicity of some players which is why i rarely touch the support role you can see it in my stats