As someone who tried the support role again

no support is just useless right now. no cc to control high mobility and no tanks to contest sightlines

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It’s not always a great take focusing in on stats like that.
What is better you throwing 2 dmg orbs spread out over 5 people doing 400 DMG or a window headshot ting a mercy for 200.


In my experience the worst part about support now is the same issue tank had in ow1. There just aren’t enough support players so it throws you into any match it can find. What do you mean it’s not fun to play against masters dps yes shocking I know

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I joyfully await the day that Sombra can no longer harass the crap out of backline while having one of the safest escapes in the entire game while u can do absolutely nothing but hope u land a one-shot on her since cc is pretty much ineffective now.


I think it depends on rank, they even had a blog post about it. I’m a middling player, and playing support is largely the same as before. They die more at higher tiers though.

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She has a gun. It works. People die. If you never use it, you’re not playing her properly.


Well, she has 2 escape abilities and an immortality-cleanse.
She was specifically designed with 5v5 in mind, while the rest the support roster (some more, some less) show that they weren’t.

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I already gave context in a post above yours: As someone who tried the support role again - #59 by Shankm-1245 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums

I have over 150 hours on Moira, she’s my highest-ranked support, and I’m at least minimally aware of how to play her at different tiers, what you can get away with, and where her gaps lie. I’m far from the best Moira player in the game, but I generally know what I’m doing and what I’m talking about. Your post feels like you’re trying to Moirasplain to me after not really reading the other posts in the thread.

To both of you:

When the Moira is outhealing the other support, out-damaging one or more of the DPS, has highest elims, low deaths similar to the tank, and you’re still getting crushed because you can actually see people not getting any proper value on their roles, you know it’s not your play that’s the issue, and the scoreboard now helps reaffirm this. No amount of my own personal adjustment will win a game like that. I’ve played games where I only pocket the DPS (even swap to Mercy to do so) and they still can’t get the value they’re supposed to, which is why a lot of Moiras either go hybrid or full aggro (which just makes it a different comp in RQ, with 3 DPS 1 heal… that has the potential to overwhelm or confuse the enemy team).

I don’t roll out of spawn assuming my teammates will be terrible, I hope that I won’t have to try to double role carry versus simply support. But by mid-game (ideally before that) when I can see that we’re not making progress is when I have to take matters into my own hands and outshine others on said flawed statboard. I wouldn’t be typing here if whatever imaginary DPS you’re referring to were getting many high-value kills for low-value stats. I’m referring to lost or close QP games where you have to play like it’s comp just to press tab and see someone is very obviously not pulling their weight.

It’s also curious as to why the matchmaker puts someone like that on my team way more often than not.


All I am saying stats only tell half the story so be careful with them.
elims only means you touched something that died.
Dmg can be meaningful or meaningless.

Or consider this if your team just runs in one by one and insta dying your healing is probably going to be very bad so based on the stats it is the support’s fault?

Going aggro or hybrid is your call to make I got no problem with that just don’t go I have all gold medals so I am certain I am doing good because that isn’t necessarily the case.


To OP, Ive been playing Moira and Brig and its a breeze honestly. I was already an aggro Support in OW1 and this feels like nothing to me. Tanks are waaaaay more hard to kill before sure, but then again, as a Support I tend to not even engage them lol.

Normally I warn my team with that happens "Pharah is an issue, either someone takes care of her or I go Baptiste". If 1 min passes and we are still dying to that, I am going full DPS against her. GGs

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Kiriko, Lucio, and Brig are why I play, abd only que support.


When DPS type “support diff” I just respond with “no elims?” Or “X elims?”
Than rest of the team just goes “pathetic”, “lol trash DPS” etc.

I Play with friends so we have echothers back.


Where did I ever state or imply they tell the entire story? I said they are a vindicating marker representing things I’ve long suspected about the game, as now I have more data to back up how my gut is telling me the game is going/how it went.

Like I’m actually in the games I’m playing dude, and I have eyes. I know what trickling is… I know the value and quality of the elims I’m getting. I’m not saying I’m hyper-aware of every single little thing that’s happening, but when you consistently 1v2 kill or trade 2 of their supports, or a supp and a backline squish (or more) every team fight, and your team can’t make that work, like what is that? That’s what I’m asking. I’m also aware I have access to the replay, but know if I actually sit there and watch what that one DPS is doing, I’ll become even more frustrated. The stat screen helps me with that and saves me time (because I’ve actually invested enough time in the past to go and rewatch sus teammate play to check what the issue in lost games could be, or to see if they are so detrimental it warrants a sabotage report).

Why do people come on here and type out responses that feel like you’re making the assumption that the poster is missing something huge/obvious (or has no idea what they’re talking about), despite being corrected? IDK if you can tell, but my icon is from Anniversary 1 (2017). I have over 3k hours in the game, I would hope I’ve picked up at least a thing or two by now to the effect that you don’t need to respond in a way that is imo very obvious, probably condescending, and pretty unhelpful. It’s not adding anything to the conversation, it feels like it’s just trying to prove someone else wrong or cloutfish for likes.

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Exactly the reason she should never be expected to use it. Mercy is a support that doesn’t shoot and isn’t expect to shoot, play a different support if you want to shoot as a support.

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If that were true she wouldnt have the gun which i have used many many times to do many many murders.

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But how often was it to the detriment of your team? That’s why current Mercy’s gun is fine, generally speaking its sub optimal to using her staff in 99% of the situations you find yourself in, and that’s how it should be.

You can use her gun all you want, but I would wonder why you are using it and not playing a different support where you could get more value out of it. Do you just like Mercy’s aesthetics and don’t actually like how she plays?

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Easiest fix Mercy is to bind her pistol to the RMB and have a toggle switch for Healing/Boosting.

That would make her more approachable for more people, she’s the one support I just cannot play as she feels clunky.

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And ruin her for those that enjoy her currently? Should we swap widowmaker’s gun for a shield? Should reinhardt become a backline healer? Leave her alone, not every hero is for everyone.


That’s up to me to decide, because the gun exists and i can use it whenever i like. If there’s no need to heal or damage boost or i’m in danger and i can deal with it, or i just feel like it, i’m busting that thing out. Many widowmakers have died to it.

I have way over 300 hours on Mercy, i dont play her because she’s pretty.

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And I have 450 and am glad I never had to touch her gun, can you imagine how awful it would be to have to try and shoot people while flying around with her? There is a reason she doesn’t have to be looking at her healing targets in order to heal, her movement runs counter to looking at one particular player.

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