As someone who tried the support role again

You can 1v1 Winston on Moira!? Tell me how! XD

She’s honestly likey so strong because Genji is perceived as strong RN, and she eats them for breakfast.

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Thanks buddy, you have to be really dead inside to play support and be a main like me. All aspirations in life, void. All hope, gone. Love, what’s that.


I still get my fun out of it. Game can go 3vs3 with no tanks, and Mercy will probably still play the same. At this point I’m not trying to play the game - I just play her and enjoy the ride.

Sure sucks for people on my team though.


would not say 1v1 but you can make him retreat . sueviveability is just higher if you got selfheal


There’s a reaaon why comp queue times are getting higher for tanks and damage. A lot of people don’t enjoy the new support aggressive playstyle requirements.

You have to work twice as hard to get the same results as you used to in OW1. Many people simply don’t want to put in all that work, and are playing damage and tank instead.


my fun>everyone elses fun lol

if i love playing a character its enjoyable even when we lose


Suport has always been plate-spinny role. That doesn’t appeal to some players. It can be downright exhausting to play a support.

All OW2 does is add more plates and now people are throwing paper balls at you as you try to spin them.


Low elos were like this already, but it has moved this type of play higher and higher in the ranks.

It must be very eye opening for a lot of people.


InB4 the “supports are so easy” crowd descend upon you like ravenous hyenas.


Most of my success with Brigitte comes from tricking enemies into bad positions. They’ll think “oh its just a Brigitte, easy kill” and they slightly overextend before realizing that

  1. I’m not THAT easy of a kill, geez
  2. my teammates are nearby

With the shield bash + whipshot combo doing a sizeable chunk of damage, it can deter damage heroes pretty quickly.

(Doesn’t work every time, of course! :frowning: )


Supports are the easiest to carry with. You’re responsible for more things during the game, but if you can manage them you’re a way harder carry than the Sojourn landing WYKKYD SYKK NAZ-T wavedash railgun headshots or the invincible Orisa chopping people up with her leek spin ability.

Guess who’s helping them do those things?

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I’m having more fun playing support in OW2 than I ever did in OW1.


You know when you’re being carried by a DPS or Tank. It’s obvious. People have no clue when they’ve been carried by support players.

I think people are starting to realize that the support they flamed 2 games ago isn’t the same support they’re playing with in their current game. Which is funny to think about since I try and bring my A-game in all my matches and if what I’m doing isn’t good enough I feel sorry for the next support player.

Support is probably the most inaccessible role to play at the moment. I can’t imagine a newbie or someone who is off-rolling swapping to bap to counter a pulse bomb.


That only applies if your team is not bad enough to evaporate the moment you stop pumping healing into them. It’s all nice and good that I can go and solo a DPS with Kiriko but if my team got obliterated because I wasn’t there to hold healing on them for 5 seconds that won’t help me.

Got a few matches where I could swing things this way but it’s a thin line to walk and people still bloody complain in chat about not getting healed enough.

With DPS you just go beast mode and worry not about anything else. Much more chill experience that.


I started in OW2 playing support but having played the other 2 Roles now, it is hard to go back!! I largely played Support in OW1

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Just stick to competitive mode for supports, that’s where all the fun is. But do not bother playing support in quickplay, it’s not a good experience to say the least.


I mean, I mostly play supports that primarily live off making enemies not alive anymore, so I don’t often see that many complaints about “heals???” because people aren’t taking that much damage to begin with.

If you’re constantly healing and your team is still dying, there isn’t really much to be done at that point because they’ve all decided that today would be a fine day to try out their clown lemming costumes.


As someone who actually plays support on a regular basis (most played role), I’ll never respect any support I get on my games, no matter the role I play.

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Especially if the tank is a moron, there’s 0 chance to win, and I want to give up mid match.

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I just go Moira and I do not need to care about flankers. I heal my allies and damage enemies when needed.

Not only that, but I prefer playing Support over Tank or DPS because, with Moira, I can deal with all heroes: I have a beam for Genji or Sombra and I can escape if I get dived.

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