As a Main tank I approve the Sombra nerf

But as literally any main tank in the game you can’t just adapt to Sombra. That is something that is left up to your teammates. I can’t just whip around as rein or orisa and shoot her because of how fast the cast time on hack is. On top of that she can cast it outside the range of my hammer so what am i supposed to do then? This is why i find her annoying to play against because I cannot do anything. Again so we don’t go in a loop here i’m not saying that other people can’t have fun playing against her or countering her. All i’m saying is that I do not like playing against Sombra because i can’t do a lot about her.


That is amazing, then people oughta be able to voice an opinion instead of being told to ADAPT. There are people who agree with Sombra’s nerf and even love it, and think she ruins the fun of things. You best adapt to that opinion my boy.

I love you have a great day.

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Actually you can, that’s why I said adapt when a sombra is in the game.
Rein for example if you have high sensitivity you can do a 360 turn on your shield, orisa you can shoot her and only need 1 pellet to hit before it casts, or just fortify quickly. Only one who struggles with sombra A LOT is wrecking ball, you should just switch then.

Well, hey, that’s okay! You can like the Sombra nerf. I think it’s 100% okay if you can acknowledge the bias that we all have, and I think it’s warranted, too.

I’m 100% okay with them nerfing hack’s duration and EMP charge rate. The cast time is also okay, too.

I’m just hoping they give her something to her gun, to her kit (aside from hack), to help her be viable. She wasn’t doing too well as it was, and I was hoping they would remove some power out of hack and put it elsewhere (as opposed to net-nerfing her like the forums cried for her).

I’m not saying they can’t have an opinion, but I’m allowed to reply to people’s opinion.

Just adapt 4Head! OF COURSE! I just told you i dont want to go in a loop here so i’m done talking about this.

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Wat. I just gave you examples how you can struggle less against sombra with main tank.

You can, but oftentimes it’s not feasible.
Sombra will hack you in high pressure Situations in which you can’t focus on spotting Sombra. (This is the best moment to hack Rein)
Sombra can be in a position in which a simple 360° won’t cut it

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Of course a main tank would say that they approve the nerfs

Yep I fully acknowledge my bias here. I know my hatred towards this character is mainly due to the role I play so I’m fine with saying that i dislike her.


Woah… As a main tank you like these nerfs? Surprise!!! To be fair though, I didn’t feel like Sombra was unplayable on the ptr, and placed 400 sr above my record rating on live with mostly her.

I one tricked Orisa, i knew how strong she was at holding chokes even back when she was F tier. I picked up my DPS roster specifically for cases when there’s an enemy Orisa stubbornly holding up the choke. Consequently i also learned how each of them worked.

Now i’m an Orisa main with an anti-shieldtank roster.

The funny thing is, the thing that screws over Tanks ARE the Sombra nerfs.

Originally, Sombra spent all her time and effort maintaining healthpacks for her team. She was already well established to be a weak DPS right from the start.

Then they reworked her and removed her reason to hack healthpacks. So the hacks that were going to the healthpacks as well as the time spent running around the map avoiding enemy fire were now used on enemy players. Hacks tripled over night and the playerbase’s heads exploded. Everyone, especially the tanks, were getting hacked a lot more!

Then they nerfed her ability to hack Flankers because of complaints from Tracers. Well, there goes another hack target. More hacks for the tanks!

Every time Sombra gets nerfed and becomes even harder to use, the tanks get hacked more as they will always be the most viable targets. If you want Sombra to be at a point where she’s crippled, that means 100% of her hacks will be going to the tanks.

The ones benefiting from the nerfs are the DPS, not the Tanks.

Sorry but not all tank mains are bronze

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DPS like to have fun too but every time you hold up your shield, it makes it annoying.

I’ve just hit masters on role q on my main BastionMain#1970
Funny how you’re calling me bad when I literally gave a whole bunch of solutions to counter her. Seems like you’re a wrecking ball main, I highly recommend switching off when someone goes sombra.

honestly mei is worse than sombra, esp as rein.

Oh god yeah, because if the teams supporting her you can’t do anything to counter her, you just watch as you slowly perish…
At least with sombra you can do fast flicks with your shield to block the hack.

I will hack you even harder now though? The worse hack is at helping secure kills, the more I will use to instead disrupt main tanks.

People should learn to adapt to things that are statistically balanced, and should complain about things that are not. The two are not the same. Treating two different situations with two different attitudes isn’t hypocrisy, it’s just basic reasoning.

I have fun hacking tanks. Does that mean I win?