As a GM/t500 Sombra One Trick, I want EMP nerfed

Sombra under criticism?

Quick rally the troops to defend her

Pickrates are low and emp is fine

/s kapp

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Exactly. Does the Mccree counter Sombra if she ignores him to hack and kill the overextending Genji carry? Nope. Does the Widow camping the balcony on Ilios stop Sombra from farming the tanks on point where she has no LOS? Nope. If you aren’t stopping the character from being effective or changing their gameplan, then you aren’t countering them.

It can be easy enough as buffing her damage output, reduce time to charge EMP, nerf time someone spends hacked.

Its not irrational. She can avoid counters with stealth, but she cant contribute in stealth. There is always a trade off. If she doesnt want to leave her team at a disadvantage 5v6 she has to come out of stealth. These are the opportunities to deny her any value.

In a hypothetical ideal case scenarion, the Sombra player never makes a mistake and has perfect timing and never gets caught by her counters. But realistically that doesnt happen.

Can avoid counters is not the same as having no counters.

Its like saying Widow can oneshot every non tank in the game and actually does that on a consistent basis with 100% accuracy.
Or better comparison an ideal perfectly played Tracer never gets hit.

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Tracer light with hack which assassinates you out of stealth. What could go wrong?

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Not you - referring to the person you were commenting on - people will go to extremes on something they don’t care for to try to make a point - its happening with Sombra, and likewise with 2-2-2 right now as well. Some of the arguments are very incidental, flat-out wrong, or just far-fetched scenarios.

Oh sorry, then i apologize.

You can still shoot. In other games, silence can be basically barely over a stun, where you can move but not use abilities or primary fire or interact with other things.

funny every sombra I’ve ever had on my team has been a thrower

never any damage

gets a stupid hack card

nobody swaps to make up the damage lost
same thing happens with mei’s
run as dps instead of off tank
mei player can’t reliably be consistent with right clicks and we lose due to low damage

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I just need a small buff and I’ll rarely lose a 1v1. Right now if I die or translocate away from a 1v1 the other player is almost always down to 1 bar of health. Just a little more damage output/reduced spread and she will 1 clip almost anyone.

A term sombra mains keep trying to use to make hack not sound so bad.


I like it, and have suggested similarly giving her a counterable cast time, but that’d actually be a pretty big problem for Sombra herself, since EMP requires her to sit in the middle of the enemy team. EMP’ing with a cast time would be like saying “please headshot me widow.”

Sombra is really tricky to balance and I think Blizz has done good so far, but I really don’t know what they should do about EMP

I agree, Sombra’s damage is the absolute last thing that should be buffed

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Any opinion on my suggestion?

May I ask what other games you’re talking about here, where your primary attacks / shooting / etc are blocked too with a silence?

In the vast majority of game communities I am personally familiar with- hack is a silence. Not a “soft” silence. Not a semi-silence.

It’s a silence.

Silences in most games prevent the activation of abilities- but rarely do they interrupt “primary” actions.

Especially in games like mobas. Silences basically never lock out a heroes primary attack (or auto attack)- just abilities.

I strongly feel calling hack a “soft silence” is a dubious attempt to down play the ability and make it sound friendlier than it actually is.

It’s a silence.

It locks out nearly all abilities, only allowing you to move and use your primary attack. That’s a silence.


Very true, but how many games have a silence that long though, feels ridiculous considering not a single ability in the game clears it. It’s the same length as an uninterrupted sleep, but doesn’t clear when you take damage like sleep. Hell the argument of winning the 1v1 is still there, but even if you win it, you are still hacked. Sucks that you can skill on their face but still be death sentenced by it.
It should really clear if sombra dies or translocates away. Some form of counterplay that makes you feel less cheaped out vs her. Though I don’t think shes OP in the slightest, I just actually hate her friggen guts.

The only thing I’ve ever picked her for is to tilt a certain person out of existence. Because thats about all shes good for. Ruining your gameplay experience :smiley:

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not even a ‘main’ basically a one trick. Everyone knows Yellowjello

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can you teach me those fundemantal thought procesings that the low ranks dont know?

Sounds like BS that a player that abuses ults rather then own carry potential would say. This game became such a joke with each hero addition. Tracer and widow had the best carry potential now its press q and we circle through all 6 ults one by one to win.

What “cool tricks” are there other than EMP that you are not able to do because EMP is the only reason she is vaguely usable? She has one of the most straightforward kits… Like, wut?

I mean, you can check my profile lol