As a GM/t500 Sombra One Trick, I want EMP nerfed

I don’t doubt your time, I doubt the need for it despite what some Sombra players think.

I actually really love your suggestion. I wouldn’t do the increased base speed tho, and as long as she can still cancel translocator herself, I’d be fine with the 30 second timer

Your ideas would fix a lot of problems though for both the Sombra and the enemy team

also a hack bot… i love playing sombra for the stealth but you will lose if you dont hack all the time… make the hack easier for hacked players… a full shutdown is OP af

Their profile is public, they are a GM Sombra main.

yellowjello rocking that 33% weapon accuracy on east coast LULW


It’s doesn’t matter how she is played in ladder. She is the main counter for high end play. If she continues to be this way long enough, the devs will “balance” her for high end play.

For a recent example - see Dva.

It’s going to happen.

I think the base movement speed increase is necessary. She just spends too much time in stealth doing nothing. For her to have a higher impact outside of EMP without touching damage or hack she needs to get around where she needs to be faster so she can contribute more. It brings her at least in that regard on an even footing with Genji and Tracer. Oh and cancelable translocator stays. One of the only good things which came with the duration patch.

Isn’t that what high elo is win conditions based off ult economy?
Play around enemy enemy happens all the time. Orisa shield in the air, zen hide, pre trance or many of the stuns in the game.


Never, ever said they weren’t. I just don’t quite trust the motives of people who come on bashing their mains.

I’ve always thought EMP should be nerfed and Sombra should be buffed. I don’t think heroes should be picked purely because of their ult and the rest of them is mediocre at best.

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Thank you for ruining the games of many!

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Having that to test on the PTR actually sounds intriguing. I wouldn’t want it to be a guaranteed addition in case it’s a train wreck, but messing around with it would be fun.

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