As a GM/t500 Sombra One Trick, I want EMP nerfed

Except you’re wrong. I said from the start it’s a great buff, in spite of Fitzy initially being against it and causing groupthink in the Sombra community. Sombra was then picked up in Contenders, which you hand waved away as the devs saw it as a sign of success, then Team Canada dominated the majority of their opponents with her in the World Cup, and now she has a 66% pickrate in OWL. Fitzy also said recently that she has no counters because she decides every engagement. If you die, it is 100% your fault.

He did not say that. He said she can play around someone like McCree because she can decide her encounters. He did not say she has no counters. He also said during double sniper which was the previous meta to goats, Sombra wasnt really that great.

Sombras current viability in pro play doesnt go back to her duration patch. Its all the heroes which changed around her which made the meta like it is.

Only meta? Double sniper is good mostly because they dont have to group.
But that also means any meta that cant spread is a victim of EMP
Revert Sombra will still have similar power cause she hardly changed Emp ever

Dva even after her nerf has a 50
% winrate sombra have 45%
so I would welcome any change it cant be worse

I would try a couple of things with Sombra’s EMP.

  1. Not remove base shields but remove added shields - Delete Lucio’s Ult but not 75% of Zen’s life

  2. Shorten duration of hack on EMP only - keep regular hack the same but reduce it’s EMP duration

The video is here with a timestamp of 6:46 with a quote from 3 months ago: Fitzy agreed, sombra is uncounterable

That tweet is from a year ago. Reach harder. Sombra is top tier.

Not sure I really buy all these "mains"suddenly asking for EMP nerf… :thinking:

that s just 2 big nerf to the most weak heroes of ow
if you try those change you have to give sombra soldier s gun with an helix rocket

lol i know that video, i watched it. I even commented on the same thread. He never said in that video that she has no counters.

Try throwing your fake news somewhere else.
All he said in the video:
“Her weaknesses can be avoided. Her weaknesses being the burst damage. You know you can stay away from the McCree who is gonna flashbang you.”

And they used that from the interview back when Fitzy said the same interview that she gets countered by double sniper.

This is two times now that someone has tried to pull that, thank you, I was too lazy this time to counter.

“Her weaknesses can be avoided.” If you can avoid your weaknesses at all times due to infinite stealth: snipers, stuns, burst damage, then you can’t be countered. The fact that this has to be broken down for you is embarrassing and shows how willing you are to plug your ears and denounce anything that makes Sombra look strong.

No. Thats not the same thing.
Has tools to play around her counters is not the same as having no counters. Thats basic knowledge. Sombra can also stay in spawn the whole game and not die once or even get damaged. Yet she wont accomplish anything.

Tools to play. Is like having a flashbang on CD that sometimes kill Tracer.
But isnt that kinda different with infinite stealth?

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Never doubt how far the forums will go to make an irrational point I have learned.

Sombra under criticism?

Quick rally the troops to defend her

Pickrates are low and emp is fine

/s kapp

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Exactly. Does the Mccree counter Sombra if she ignores him to hack and kill the overextending Genji carry? Nope. Does the Widow camping the balcony on Ilios stop Sombra from farming the tanks on point where she has no LOS? Nope. If you aren’t stopping the character from being effective or changing their gameplan, then you aren’t countering them.

It can be easy enough as buffing her damage output, reduce time to charge EMP, nerf time someone spends hacked.

Its not irrational. She can avoid counters with stealth, but she cant contribute in stealth. There is always a trade off. If she doesnt want to leave her team at a disadvantage 5v6 she has to come out of stealth. These are the opportunities to deny her any value.

In a hypothetical ideal case scenarion, the Sombra player never makes a mistake and has perfect timing and never gets caught by her counters. But realistically that doesnt happen.

Can avoid counters is not the same as having no counters.

Its like saying Widow can oneshot every non tank in the game and actually does that on a consistent basis with 100% accuracy.
Or better comparison an ideal perfectly played Tracer never gets hit.

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Tracer light with hack which assassinates you out of stealth. What could go wrong?

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Not you - referring to the person you were commenting on - people will go to extremes on something they don’t care for to try to make a point - its happening with Sombra, and likewise with 2-2-2 right now as well. Some of the arguments are very incidental, flat-out wrong, or just far-fetched scenarios.