No headshots
No damage boosts
Hanzo just casually has the ability to down a tank, at close range, without ever scoring a headshot.
No headshots
No damage boosts
Hanzo just casually has the ability to down a tank, at close range, without ever scoring a headshot.
He always could, but now there’s time to react to it.
Now it’s extremely easy to aim, and very consistent, where as before it was a gamble.
Wow no one knew that! I’m so impressed (no)!
He got nerfed on PTR.
He didn’t get nerfed on this aspect.
Besides, who really used 6 seconds when you could shoot all the storm arrows in under 3 seconds?
He has 5 storm arrows now on a longer cooldown.
5 seconds, 6 arrows.
Instead of 6 seconds, 6 arrows.
You misread the patch notes.
McCree can too. Your point is?
No he can’t.
Maybe back in season 1, but not now.
That’s still 350 damage.
Blizz should just go straight to the point and get it four arrows. Having 280 is a lot bearable since Mcree right click is around there as well.
Edit: He still has the 420 damage? Christ.
I’m fine with him downing tanks with that but having that and his immensely high close range one shot capabilities is too much for someone who is classified as a “sniper”
I’m fine with him downing tanks too. If skill is involved.
He should have to score headshots, not just anywhere on the body.
Maybe make his notch his arrow slower, like after a full shot, he notch his next arrow like 0.5-1 second slower (Though that might be too much.).
My preferred change is this:
Do your math.
FTH = 270 damage.
FTH + Roll + FTH = 540 damage.
FTH can’t headshot, nor can it even land at the same place twice.
Tanks are huge enough that you never miss any shot using FtH.
Should we should give storm arrow the accuracy/damage of FtH, and no ability to headshot?
Who gets placed at more risk? How close does McCree have to be for FtH to hit all shots at full damage?
How close does Hanzo have to be?
One has more range than the other…
He is a tank buster; working as intended.