Arrow+StormArrows = 545 Damage

Sure if you lose the cooldown as well.

Oh please ,as if scatter was hard to aim.

It worked the majority of the time ,as long as you didn’t shoot it into a bump on the ground


Then don’t bring a random a** number to the discussion saying that it somehow proves that Hanzo is OP.

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I didn’t do that. So don’t reply to the wrong person accusing them of doing something they didn’t do.

Point still stands.
Yes McCree has the same potential damage as Hanzo both using 2 abilities .

Hanzo can pull off his combo from any range and he has Lunge and Wall Climb to get to optimal positions to use his combo.

MCCree has to get within tanks’ optimal range to pull off his combo and has zero mobility in getting into that range.

One of these things is not like the other…


McCree has to be in close range to even have this sort of thing possible (With 0 escape tools.) Hanzo has fully charged arrows he can lob from any range (With Lunge/Wallclimb for escape.)


And Pharah can fly, and Tracer can blink. Do you want every hero to be as slow as McCree?

I am more worried about all the sombra buffs. I am afraid that alot of heroes will no longer be viable.

Did I say that? No, I am simply stating Hanzo has the advantage over McCree in pretty much all regards.

McCree has fall off and Hanzo doesn’t.
Hanzo has a better Fan the Hammer than McCree.
Hanzo has two escape tools to McCree’s zero.
The only thing McCree has going for him is a stun that he also has to be in close range to use.

This has nothing to do with characters that can fly and blink so stay on the topic at hand.

McCree is an outdated hero that is sure to get on the rework line as soon as Torb is done. Until then, picking Hanzo is probably a better idea.

I agree with this statement, however he won’t get any for a long while since there are other character that need more attention to fixing.

For the most part, he is still usable, he’s just begin out-shined.

I find the devs focus on the “hair on fire broken” heroes before getting around to the “kinda meh” heroes.

Until then? With Blizzard at the helm of this how can we even be sure there is a then? Even if there is a then how many years do people plan to wait before they do it and then inevitably mess it up? None of Blizzards reworks on heroes have been successful in the slightest.

Storm arrow is quite OP, but Scatter was worse.

Not because Scatter was OP, but it COULD be OP…and much more frustrating to play against.

I’d rather know that Hanzo can kill me by aiming a couple shots than be insta-gibbed randomly.

But now it seems his primary fire has taken that role…

Geh, I hate Hanzo.

If you are that close to a tank as McCree, bad things are probably about to happen to you lol.

I’m not disagreeing with the raw numbers, just that that scenario doesn’t happen unless something very bad happened to mccree, like he’s getting dove by winston/dva, so the fth won’t work anyway, or he got hooked by hog so the fth won’t work either.

Perhaps, but Hanzo was so weak otherwise that he basically didn’t exist in comp above average skill tiers.

Storm wouldn’t be nearly as bad if it wasn’t a full range arrow. Then add on the fact they increased his projectile speed to make him better at long ranges there isn’t really a range where Hanzo is “weak” in. If you jump a Widow as Winston that Widow is done. You do that to Hanzo it’s a gamble.

With Scatter it was a gamble, in Winston’s favor if shield was up.

With Storm Arrow, it’s like a Winston intentionally jumping on a Reaper.

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Lol, I agree. The scenario of McCree being able to do that while being safe is rare. It is usually the case of the enemy’s tank being out of positions or or McCree somehow McCree got High-noon off with Roadhog being the only survivour for whatever reason in which case he’s already dead regardless.

I still like to believe it’s a gamble because you can shield dance the Hanzo when he uses Storm Bow. Not saying it will always work but it’s possible to avoid damage by doing so.

Except the Hanzo could also leap back and near instantly melt your shield with 545 damage. (Plus a tiny bit of damage from teammates)

Then kite for at least 2-3 more body shots.