🏹[Storm Arrow] Reduce to 3 arrows


Storm Arrow

  • Damage Increased to 75
  • Number of Arrows Reduced to 3
  • Cooldown Decreased to 8

The dev’s should do these changes, so that:

  • One 125 normal bodyshot + 75 stormarrow bodyshot = dead Soldier
  • Three 75 stormarrow bodyshot = dead Soldier
  • One 150 stormarrow headshot = dead Tracer.
  • 250 normal headshot + Two 150 stormarrow headshots = dead Winston
  • 250 normal headshot + Three 75 stormarrow bodyshots = dead Winston

It’s supposed to be an ability, not a mini ultimate.


It’s not a mini ult just dodge.

and i think the real problem with hanzo is the arrow speed buff that came with the rework, if they revert that then he wouldn’t be such a easy character to use.


Learn to dodge and bait it out. It’s not as easy to cheese with as Scatter Arrow and won’t instantly kill you if you get shot at from the feet. You’re only in trouble if you play a tank.

Hanzo is balanced where a majority of the player base is right now. The only reason he’s extreme META is because of the Graviton Dragon combo.


I highly doubt that’s true.

And also, at every rank he shouldn’t just be comboing Winston for 545 damage with nothing but bodyshots. That’s way too easy. That’s overpowered.

Especially considering Hanzo leap gets him away from Dva and Winston attack range. On a tiny 4 second cooldown.


Reaper shreds him in nearly the same way with his normal guns up close.

Hanzo has the same DPS as Reaper with Storm Arrow. Slightly more actually.

Well that was fun. Edited in a Hanzo graphic.

How about 5? Then you will say 4. So lets settle 4

Trying to get it down to a point where he’s gotta run from Winston, rather than straight up fight him. Unless he has really great aim.


I think that damage is pretty underestimating winston players effort to dodge and block headshots.

That’s the thing, right now Hanzo can do 545 damage to Winston without ever landing a single headshot.


Yes but he has a shield so a decent winston wont have much problem blocking half of it. The problem comes when another tank or support come to help this hanzo and he shoots your running butt I think.

The problem comes in when Zenyatta and Mercy damage amp Hanzo by 60%.

Making his overkill amount of damage, even more crazy.


I wanted to hear that. Those make any burst damage insane like widow too and need a nerf. Like no additional head damge for discord.

I came in here thinking that this nerf really happened.

Well played, you got me.

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It would be nice.

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Oh my god I’m so dumb.
All I had to do was just dodge.

Holy fuck dude. You just changed my entire life. I’m never going to die again.
I’m going to go tell my team to pick six DPS. God we’re so dumb. Now we don’t even need tanks or healers.


Is there a reason as to why he needs to lose to Winston and not others?

Not necessarily. You have some other hero in mind?

That said, in previous patches Winston was pretty much your only option for keeping snipers in check.

It just seems that Winston is the example used for nerfing his arrows.