Armor nerfed, D.Va nerfed, Rally nerfed, Reaper buffed

just to clear some things up:

the armor nerf doesnt matter. tracer/reaper/sombra all deal less than 10 dmg per bullet/pellet.
meaning their dmg gets halved. still.
the -3 just affects shots that deal more than 10 dmg each.
so it only affects heros that are troll picks atm.

brig nerf was finally implemented even tho they couldve just made it so armors on top instead of shields but hey any change that forces brig players to think the tiniest bit (and not just ult on cd before or after a fight) is a good change to me.

dva nerf is massive.
if goats dies were back to double maybe triple snipers.
dva was the only thing that could do anything that stops them from killing ur team before u can even get anywhere near them.
dva was one of the strongest heroes but nerfing her matrix that way was def the wrong choice. (only thing i can come up with would be nerf her left click dmg drop off drastically so it does very little past 5 meters or smth…)

reaper buff is scary.
i dont think he’ll see any play (sniper meta will just delete him) but that means once snipers eventually get a nerf (if theyre not too fun to watch in owl…) he will probably have gotten another buff.

the issue is that ppl here want silent tp (u srs?) and the thing is:
if reaper gets in range of squishies on live right now. he wipes them. with ease. at most u need 2 shots for any 200 hp hero. outplaying sleep/cree flash with shift is easy.
so if brig falls out of favour which blizz wants pre owl backlines will be back to relying on getting healed not having 300+ hp. if reaper gets silent tp hes just free wipes. (theres already top 500 reaper 1 tricks that know perfect tp spots watch them and see how they destroy backlines if theyre unseen.)

all the life steal buff does is enable him to win fights he has no business winning. dps 1v1s.
with 50% life steal and 100 dmg a shot (low but just an example when a mediocre reaper fights) thats 50 hp every shot. 1v1 that as a soldier if he got on u with silent tp. meaning the safest way to deal with him is ccing him to death. i dont think we want cc spam anymore.

i think reaper needs direct tank killing buffs. hes not ur man to kill genji/tracer/ana/zen/mercy/sym etc. hes (supposed to) be ur man when the enemy has super annoying tanks.
maybe shots from less than 7 meters deal double dmg vs barriers. (rhein/orisa/winston shield and zarya bubbles)
shotguns in general ignore the half dmg vs armor rule (or maybe just -25% if thats too strong)
buffs along those lines.

Perfect! Just what I wanted. Less reasons to be a tank main. Guess I will play my part now in contributing to 5-6 instalock dps.

Ive felt nothing but hate from blizzard for a long time. Us tanks are constantly getting screwed. Only good thing to pass recently was the roadhog changes


I tend to agree, I don’t think it will be very shocking to see a sniper meta pop up.

If they really want to buff Reaper then how about not make Hanzo insta kill him with his 300+ arrow damage and almost no downtime?

Everytime Reaper show his face Hanzo all his has to do is look at him and his dead.

LifeSteal wont save him, I was already murdering tanks with reaper since the decrease to his shotgun spread and now with the addition to the Armor changes his is gonna be a menace.

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I think the balance team sees Ults as the “fun mechanic” for Overwatch and since is a big Ult killer she must be punished constantly. It doesn’t matter what the actual game issues are. So Reaper gets a counter build.

The problem wasn’t that she was like a DPS, it was that DM was very powerful and pretty much the only reason she was meta

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Except if you do that Reaper will be impossible to deal with since he won’t die ever. He’ll always be able to react with wraith form. High vamp healing plus regular healing means he’ll be unkillable unless insta nuked. For the same reason that heal spam mandated burst, reaper’s heal spam mandates that one shots exist to check him.


She received a compensation after a month. Minimum projectile travel time on DM was removed and she instantly became meta.

Yep once GOATS is dead Brig will probably get a buff since she’s literally and actual shell of her former self and can’t do anything to Dive anymore.

I mean, as a dva player myself, this hurts but there is nothing else that can absorb infinite damage that dm can, also nothing else that can literally delete ults from the game. Also due to the armor nerf, dva will do more damage on all of her attacks.

What? Pharah was one of the characters least affected by armor… Armor is good vs lots of small hits. shooting 120 per rocket is not “a lot of small hits”.

She won’t do more damage, since it still halves and her pellets do 2 max.

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Dva just needed -10% damage dealt to being balanced but not a defense matrix nerf and the armor nerf is another uncessary thing. just enforce 2/2/2 on overwatch leage and overwatch cup

biggest fear i have is that sniper meta will be checked by genji + ana (cause he has a chance to get on them before hes dead and then nano blade can win u the fight) and then they wont nerf nano but genji again when hes already a troll pick if u dont have an ana duo.

i want genji to be as bad (lul censorship) as he is now so that blizz maybe fixes all his beta bugs (and the bug that his deflect just flat out doesnt work 80% of the time since the nerf…)
so him possibly getting back into the meta is scary…
and sniper meta is just unfun… if their widow is better wait it out.

Unless this is something different I’m pretty sure what you’re quoting isn’t a buff but a fix because for a period in that time window DM was flat out not working correctly.

No, it’s a buff. That was an intentional design.

Bug appeared after it was buffed.

Maybe they should just undo that buff then? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Isn’t that what everyone is upset over?

That change is what made her a must pick.

Bastion is going to be hit hard by that armor nerf.

Sleep dart and stuns delete ults in the same way. I mean, Mei doesn’t really care whether DM absorbed her ice orb or whether McCree stunned her while it was airborne - she still didn’t get an ult out of it.

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