Armor nerfed, D.Va nerfed, Rally nerfed, Reaper buffed

Most useless changes so far

They basically nerfed GOATs.

I wanted a Moira buff but it didn’t happen. I knew Dva would get nerfed. I thought McCree would too be he dodged a bullet.

How to deal with this when dva becomes F-tier? You cant.

Eh, we dealt with garbage for nearly 2 years or however long. Let’s be honest. Reaper was NEVER viable and beyblade was a joke compared to nanoblade. Deal with it. :sunglasses:

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Devs don’t give a single crap about us. They only want to brag to investors about viewer numbers.

This looks like a panic move and it sucks.

Thanks for this, I laughed! :slight_smile: I made pretty much that exact face on reading the patch notes. Some of my most played heroes have been so oppressed by armour and matrix for a long time now… was forced to switch mains entirely when Brigitte was released… Looking forward to seeing how these changes pan out on live.

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They “put all eggs in the owl basket” and the general playerbase must suffer for the pros’ enjoyment


Because he didn’t have a streamer make a video complaining about him


Rein isn’t an unbalanced hero, he doesn’t need the nerfs as is, he is also one of the heros that can be swapped out in the goats comp along with the off healer and zarya, it already takes the whole team helping to keep the rein alive hence why rein will always have the armor pack and harmony orb if your running goats with zen and thats why the discord orb always goes on the enemy main tank unless someone is horribly out of position

Literally any form of CC stops that and considering most teams have an Ana and if that isn’t enough mcree will become even better with the changes so there will be flash bang to stop it as well. Also DVA will still be played frequently just like she has been in almost every meta so far since her DM is still able to do things no other hero can do so you can still just DM the death blossom


this would literally never happen in game

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Well yeah, you can’t have five Roadhogs :wink:

(tis a joke)

I was waiting for someone to point this out. The GOATS meta went completely unchecked for 6 months, but now that their baby is in danger of alienating viewers with GOATS mirrors like Contenders, they just completely castrated the comp in 1 patch.

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The fact you have 6 Roadhogs in there with a hook that stops that ultimate :thinking:


Anyone out there still pretending that the live game isn’t being set aside for the OWL?


I don’t think the nerf is huge, but this was totally a OWL nerf. If hammon actually did something with his shields that helped the team I think might see a little less play, but DM is pretty fundamental. It’s a great ability and most the new heros have been given abilities that DM can’t counter.

Eventually blizzard is either going to need to give up and start coming up with something creative to work with it or just bite the bullet and get rid of DM.

Believe it or not, yes

It’s massive though, the DM loss and the substantial armour nerf combined really hurts her a lot.

For a hero that isn’t even a problem on the ladder, it’s overkill.


Might as well remove Brigitte at this rate.

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I lived through early 2017 nerfs and 6 months without compensation. This shouldn’t be as bad as that.