Armor nerfed, D.Va nerfed, Rally nerfed, Reaper buffed

And they didn’t touch rein again even though he has the higest pickrate and is the main reason for goats to still exists.


Reaper is insanely good at slaughtering ham soooo…

So D.Va is now officially DPS role with an ult denie button?

2 second CD… they might aswell revert to 1.0 Matrix xD


They also made flicking dm now impossible.

Thanks, I totally wanted to be farmed by tracer constantly and become an ulti feeder.

Can’t forget how they just also killed dive and anything else than zarya/rein compositions with this. Because they were not already must picks lol.


I think it’s funny that the armor nerf hurts Orisa more than rein, and the DVA nerf also hurts Orisa more than rein both in and outside of goats. But whatever, gotta make the next season of OWL exciting while the ones buying their loot boxes die of boredom


I’m mostly sorry for Orisa, 50% of her health is armor and she is tied with Zarya for the lowest health tank at 400 hp. She really doesn’t deserve this.


At high levels of play, DVa is still in every meta composition because of DM, not her damage. Its ability to eat very powerful projectiles, including many ults, is what makes her so strong. She doesn’t lose that ability, but having more ability to counterplay it seems good.

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RIP my girl Orisa.

And more DVA nerfs.

Bliz really doesn’t want me filling tank

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Because to get the DVA out of mech you need to first kill the rein then the main healer.
In all honesty unless your above at least diamond the Nerf won’t affect you as DVA is played like a dps at low ranks and not as a tank


Watch how the quickplay devolves into a clownfiesta of 4 dps 2 healers because there is zero point in running tanks anymore.


2 healers ? You must be really lucky with your quickplays.


Don’t forget that the armor nerfs also make fan the hammer better as well because that didn’t kill tanks easily enough either


Dang, really taking it to tanks, even making orisa and squishier than usual. Tanking is pretty difficult yet important job as is.
Rally was probably the only thing needing that.
A “fix” made not via testing, but with a sledgehammer
Can’t say I’m surprised.


Orisa needs a buff after this as she wasnt part of Goats.


Yup, it just seems like a stupid change all around.


Why they just don’t allow to accumulate AoE healing, where only the highest source of heal will count? Only heals from ults should accumulate.

And problem with GOATS is solved…

I’m one of the healers because I cannot play tank anymore. Two of my tanks just got brutally slaughtered lol. :’)

And Hammond.

Really, only Zarya and Roadhog don’t have armor. Zarya is perfectly fine, and Roadhog is… okay.

But yes, this change definitely hurt Orisa a lot

I dont understand this… Fix reaper’s teleport? Make him invincible while using it, and make the animation faster?

Really don’t see the point in playing tanks. They just buffed pharah by nerfing armor.

Defense Matrix is already rough enough as it is. As if trying to DM zarya’s ult wasn’t hard enough, you’d have to be a pretty bad zarya to get your ult canceled now.

D.Va already has a large critical hitbox at the center… If you mismanage DM, you wont have the ability available to use anyway. How you play around it is simply not firing into it when it’s up.

Not really seeing why reaper needs life steal increase increased that much AND armor nerfed.