Are you allowed to have an alt account?

Blizzard loves smurfs and alts. It’s all just money to them.

Game balance? Nahh. Fair matches? Screw that!

No, no, if you give Blizz money then you can do anything you want.

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Your real name must be the same, your BattleTag can be anything you want. If you create an account under a fake name, you won’t be able to recover it if it is ever hacked (as the process involves providing an image of your ID).

Wait, doesn’t this mean a lot of twitch streamers should be banned? I’d assume most of the big ones form a business so that can write off their computers and such.

No. What it means is that the account can only be accessed by a single individual. Its common for other forms of software to be licensed as a business license. For example, Office 365 or Adobe Creative Cloud have business account licenses which the account is shared among multiple users.

That being said, there is a sort of “business agreement” in Korea to operate Blizzard Games from pre-provided internet gaming rooms, a.k.a. PC Bangs, but even then in order to actually play the game, an individual user must have their own Blizzard Korea account.

Alt accounts are fine if you’re not intentionally engaging in behavior that manipulates your SR/MMR, directly or otherwise. But then again Blizzard goes out of their way to sweep the issue under the rug so you probably wouldn’t ever get punished if you do so anyways, based on the track record.

So if I start an LLC and I register the game under that LLC it’s fine as long as I am the only one who uses it?

The account must be under a name of a person. Again, because Blizzard requires your ID should you need to have them change anything critical or recover your account.

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Blizzard enforces NO policies when it comes to smurffing. (alt accounting).

A good portion of the community frowns upon this. Including myself. Don’t be surprised though, that higher level players will treat you like you are a new player and wont give you a level of respect or hold value to your opinion. Or if they chose NOT to try to win in their matches, because a new account is there.

If you have the desire to create a new account. Ask yourself WHY?

  • Are you hoping to gain a better rank ?
  • Are you hoping to get better matches.
  • are you trying to play the game with lower-ranked friends?

1 ) you are probably going to be at almost the same rank you were at BEFORE.
2 ) you are more than likely going to have the same match quality.
3 ) you are going to cheat your friends out of EXPERIENCE that they NEED by learning the fine skills of this game, that comes with TIME and PRACTICE. compared to carrying them.

I only have one account, I wouldn’t know.

958 posts and you are asking a question you undoubtedly know the answer to - why?

958 posts and you are asking a question you undoubtedly know the answer to - why?

No, we can.

i only use my alt to practice new heroes and such not to play comp

You can throw all you want. It’s your game you paid for. What an absurd position.

You’re part of the problem.


Stating consumer rights is not a problem. You are the problem for allowing corporations to abuse your rights.

There are no rules against having an alternate account. Just play to your best ability, like on your main one.

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It shouldn’t be “right” for you to do whatever you want online in a game you paid for. There are rules to follow. There are terms and conditions to follow. There’s also general community expectations.

Wanna know what the biggest one is?


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Someone had to say it. It’s like using a public gym.

Yeah, you paid for a membership. But they can kick you out anytime if you don’t abide by their rules.


It is completely right. You are not leasing the game. You already paid for it. Full rights to all of it’s content is yours. This is common sense stuff.

Technically, they are allowed, but the way I view them is this: alt accounts are only acceptable if you’re using them to one-trick a hero you don’t play while being named “Indeed healing” or for something similarly memey