Are we really going to just let Brigitte kill this game?

You could apply this line of logic to just about any hero. Any hero can have their teammates pick other heroes that cover up their weaknesses.


Honestly the fact that people were really on here like:” you guys are just mad that a support isn’t a free kill!” still baffles me lol.

Her pickrate is only in the 2% range, she’s the least used of every support.


Its melee hero, those are supposed to win fight if you get close to them, if they would not be able to they would be throw picks. You use range agains this heroes.


Widow doming out is a Widow issue, not a Brigitte issue.

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Imagine still whining about Brig nowadays

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This is kinda ridiculously sad. For one, Brig’s damage is trash. She has no burst potential, her stun is garbage now, and she literally can only win if she can manage to out last someone.

You want to win against Brig? Fight her at a distance where she can’t do anything. Out Burst her, cause she can’t keep up with your damage with her healing. Hell, get someone to heal you cause then she literally can’t keep up with the healing output at all. Theres so many ways to counter Brig that if you’re losing to her, you’re the problem in that fight.

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I hate Mei, Reaper,, Hog, and Rein. Anything that can essentially take my shield away from me with little effort…

I consider those guys to be counters the same way Brig is a counter to Tracer and Genji. It makes me back off, and adjust how I play my hero. I create distance from them because I know how badly I can lose.

Like, I might try to poke around a corner to hit a Rein and pressure him to drop a shield and my team lights him up, but I honestly fear the moment he starts swinging that hammer and I’m in range.

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well i have a lot more problems with widow, hanzo and doomfist smurfs than briggite…

also i dont like how pharah needs a specific counter or you cant win.

anyway i think that briggite (goats) is killing the pro league overwatch.

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In fairness “specific counter” is 1 or 2 of like 20 characters spread amongst all classes.

Pharah is probably the only character that can carry a fight, then watch 6 opponents swap to her counters while still having a balanced comp.

i only hate how on all matchs my team should defend with 1 or 2 pharah counters… also if the pharahmercy team kill the pharah counter they can easy win.

i know that on pc pharah is not op or something like that, but anyway she limite the compositions.

no one mechanic or hero should have this effectivty if the enemy dont have the counter. like rein ultimate if the enemy dont have other rein to block the ult.

Maybe Overwatch isn’t for you if you still think Brig is overpowered.

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Brig is not a problem anymore.

She just caused a long chain of events that obliterated the game balance and any hopes of a possible improvement in balancing without role que.

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the problem is blizzaard with the logic of “buff the counter to counter the problem”.

like they create a powerfull anti dive hero like briggite or the stupids buff to reaper.

Genji is actually the best overall DPS on ladder, and Tracer is doing alright in high ranks. They’re both doing better than Brigitte

As for others, Sombra has always been bad, Reaper’s only ever been a quasi flanker and has been bad since well before Brigitte showed up, and McCree isn’t really even a flanker even though people use him that way.

Yes, you can. Roadhog flattens her. You can gib her with McCree. Doomfist just walks all over her. Mei beats her, Torbjorn does decently against her (especially now that he has more HP). Reinhardt out-brawls her, Orisa does more than adequately against her, etc etc.

If you can’t find ways to beat Brigitte 1v1, that’s entirely on you.

It’s less guaranteed than a Lucio lol. It’s less guaranteed than a Mercy holding R1 and occasionally doing a Rez. It’s frankly less guaranteed than a Hanzo or Junkrat spamming shots down a choke. Her value is only “guaranteed” if you’re bad and let her walk around uncontested.

Or double sniper, or Dive with a Doomfist, or… wait, it sounds like there’s actually multiple comps that you can use to deal with her

If you’re losing a fight because a Brigitte is “just standing” nearby, you’re just bad. There’s no other way to state it.

She was specifically nerfed to prevent her from bullying tanks, and it near-dumpstered her outside of GOATS (and that was before the subsequent round of nerfs). She doesn’t do this unless you’re facetanking with Dive tanks, in which case that’s your problem.

My honest opinion? You seriously just need to git gud and git over it. She’s not even good right now. If you’re seriously having problems with her, it is 100% your issue, not an issue with the character. Take your bad opinions and trollish Brigitte hate elsewhere


Normally i’d try to make a concise paragraph to explain this, but this is really just a get good moment dude.


You’re literally saying a team of 6 can’t deal 150 damage in 6 seconds.

Why is ANYONE taking this thread remotely seriously?

We aren’t, but it’s fun to be on here anyway


The only legitimate complaint about Brig is that she is part of goats - but so is Rein, Zarya, Dva, Lucio, and Zen. They are just as much a goats problem as Brig. If it’s not a complaint about goats Brig, then it really isn’t a legit complaint since outside of goats, Brig has plenty of counters.

Hog just steps on her, Reaper can win pretty easily, etc. Her DPS has always been generally low and her Shield Bash damage was reduced to a whooping 5.