Are we really going to just let Brigitte kill this game?

that is not true. you dont have to face tank a brig, you can poke from long distances wait for your team to engage etc. sombra can literally wait for a flanker to engage then .6 sec cast a 6 second cc making them useless, sombra is way worse for the game atm id play into a brig any day over a sombra.

Then you play a lot of brig

You are the problem not brig.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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I am the main tank. I am the one who engages. But to fight a team in brigs range means she will outheal you and wear you down. Always.

As a main tank I have to play hamster and fight for my life and hop they don’t pick sombra or mei, or play orisa and never push and wait for my team to get picks.

If you commit to playing brig as a dps, then the rest of your team can play any comp you want around it while the other team is forced into playing range only.

In owl they’re playing brig-zen-lucio soldier sombra hamster, or brig Ana mercy pharay sombra hamster, or brig zen mercy widow monkey dva. or any other tank and supp and dps grouping.

That’s the issue. Brig just cuts half the roster from your teams options. Just go pharah? They can drop one of the tanks or dps for widow without having to change anything else


in a few months of playing and thinking about your positioning you wont think this, she is bad for the game and promotes easy low mechanics but she is not as bad as you say

keep track of when she doesnt have bash and own her

Did you eard that Pharah right now is kinda trash? Guys the fact that maybe you don’t have issues vs Brigitte doesn’t mean that she don’t need a nerf, because she need.

And no I am not one that he’s used to have problems with her , but I feel she need something tuned down.

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It’s not bash that matters. It’s her healing and her sustain.

zenyatta helps your team do more damage.

What if they have a widow that’s doming out? How do you pressure her?

What the hell does “doming out” mean?


1v1 vs a brig solo?? Why??

No. It’s not about that. It’s about trying to counter her on king of the hill… how?

How do you counter the sustain she provides her team? When one of her teammates can counter every hero that counters her.

Well, in about 95% of the cases you are not forced to fight on the actual tiny objective. Handle the team fight first using every space you can use and then deal with the objective if you won it.


Pretty much. But people will ignore this because they think she’s bad now.

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who would’ve thought a support that defends herself against nearly anything wouldn’t be overpowered

also lets just make her teammates have 150 perm armor to create multiply mini tanks, good idea devs


Did I get into a DeLorean?

Marty, we have to go back!


As a Brigitte player, I can say that the thing about her is that she’s only dangerous when you’re careless or allow her to close the gap between you and her.
To get around her shield, play Tracer or Genji and you can outmaneuver her to attack her from different angles. Make sure her focus is not on you, and if it is, just stay out of her line of vision. Her flail can only hit what’s on her screen.

If you do find yourself always in front of her, play Doomfist or Reaper and you can destroy her shield and quickly finish her off. Her reward is a guaranteed hit if she succeeds in getting within range of you, so keep putting the pressure on her to break her shield.

Play Nice, Play Neutral



Brig goes down easily against dragon blade.