Are we gonna talk about hanzo hitboxes?

Honestly I think this is an engine issue and not a Hanzo specific issue. I’ve watched replays on many projectile heroes and seen huge inconsistencies on projectile hit box interacting with PC hurt boxes. I’ve watched replays with Hanzo arrow passing through the top region of the PC head and I’ve watched replays of armpit shots being counted as head shots. This is consistent with ALL projectile based heroes based on what I’ve watched in replays. I’m more willing to chalk this up on netcode or whatever causes hitscans to have unregistered shots.

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That would make sense. And obviously you would notice it more with Hanzo because of his one shot potential.

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Netcode becomes very apparent when you start playing PC’s like Tracer and constantly are snapping back to original position when dashing to dodge things like McCree flashbang.

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The fact it’s not even an ability, it’s his primary fire too.

Spamzo landing random oneshots feels kinda dumb rn.

When has it been since that video was uploaded? Hitbox was tuned down a while ago

I think the real issue is that you main a hero who stands still, complaining about another hero who has wallhacks on you. Even if the projectile was less forgiving, you’d still be an easy target to kill for Hanzo. Is Hanzo’s hitbox the real issue, or the fact that you keep peeking sonic arrows?

Hitting mobile heroes can be a nightmare for him, even with his logs.

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How many years has this game been released now?

I would’ve thought by this point people would stop blaming Hanzo for their own ineptitude.

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All this arguing over whether or not Hanzos arrows have the smallest hitbox…

It doesn’t actually matter if they’re the smallest or not. They are the only projectile that 1 shots. It’s a false equivalence.

Now that’s not to say that Hanzos hitboxes are a problem, I dont think that they are. However this line of argument is just silly.

his arrows are too slow that you can dodge it , and if your movement easy to predict so it’s not hanzo’s hitbox fault

The real issue is it shouldn’t be able to one shot kill on a headshot due to how forgiving projectiles are. None of the other projectiles heroes can do that except for him-- and he doesn’t have to reload, either.

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We actually did test that back when I tested the hitbox sizes for all projectiles in general as that was what alot of people brought up after being shown the 0.2 diameter it has. You can read all about it here: Projectil Hitbox size's (width) table should be under edit2.
But for anyone to lazy to go there and read here in short. Hanzo’s arrow are balls centered somewhere at the end of his arrow. Tested by reducing travelspeed of projectiles to 0 and then having 2 reinhard dummys teleport closer to the arrow in 0.1m steps. Until the shield is hit by knowing there starting coordinate and the length of the way till they hit the arrow calculated its lenght is a pretty easy task.

You could say the same about hit-scan and Widow…

“None of the other hit-scan can 1-shot besides Widow”

Also you say that projectiles are too forgiving but it is still a statistical fact that hit-scan heroes have a much higher hit-rate than projectile heroes. If projectiles are too forgiving what does that make hit-scan?

The projectile itself might be more forgiving but this does not mean that it is actually easier to hit than hit-scan.


he reloads every shot. the hitbox is justified by the huge arrow heads he uses.

Imagine using oversized capsule hitboxes for your supposed “competitive” game

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i didn’t even know we as players had the option to mess with the physics in the game. I can definitely see how it would be a lot easier to test that way.

theres a reason people say he shoots logs lol

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Favor the shooter is literally the bane of every agility-based hero’s existence.

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That reason is skewed perception, favor the shooter, slightly low tickrate and confirmation bias though… so…

Lots of people say a lot of silly things that are just not true for lots of reasons.

The Hanzo shoots logs thing was literally disproved a long time ago by players themselves.

That is true. As a flanker main can confirm.