Are we gonna talk about hanzo hitboxes?

The people who are in low elo are because thats where you get the people who rez right in front of an enemy rein and wonder why they got pinned. Doesn’t have much to do with aim in most cases. It’s more so lack of gamesense.

in every case below masters aim is a problem.

They have a large size to compensate for them being projectile, to make them easier and more consistent to aim. They should lower the size of the arrows but make them travel faster.

Exactly, this guy doesn’t know mechanics from plat-masters doesn’t change as much as from 4.2-4.6, gamesense carries you.

Pharah’s rockets are larger doe.

it was an exaggeration but pharah doesnt hit directs consistently as a hanzo with his hitbox.

@Legend7Rb still wondering what your main sr is, you seem to claim a lot of knowledge for someone so scared to say his rank?

It’s a lot easier to tell it’s hyperbole when you say something like “they’re 1 meter wide”, instead of “larger than pharah’s rocket”.

Hanzo hits more directs because of their speed, making them more consistent and harder to dodge. Hanzo is better right now but not close to OP. A lot of the time when you see them hit you when you weren’t even close to their crosshair is probably just “Favor the Shooter”. The Hanzo saw his shot hit you right in the head, so you died, even though you and/or the server didn’t see it hit you. It probably happens more consistently on Hanzo though because they have size, but that is just there to accommodate for travel time, and shouldn’t be nerfed nor removed without a compensation.

OW hit boxes are well known for being larger than they should be to aid the casual player base. In other games its precise, but in this game you can get headshotted/whatever when someone quite clearly visibly misses.

still not understanding why travel time automatically means a hero is gonna need big hitboxes on their shots. Literally just hold them to the rest of the standard bullet size.

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Travel time means they need hitboxes.

Pharah has slower travel time so they need larger bullet size.

If they were the size of hitscan bullets then they would be a lot more inconsistent than they already are, and hitscans already basically dominate the game rn.

It did when it was Junkrat

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his arrows are pretty small


Dont forget how stealthy he and his arrows are. U dont hear him, u dont hear his arrows flying by. I mean they can do up to 250dmg … one would think they should have some noise cues.

If you ask me their size is actually fine as the hero should be a medium range sniper and shot be able to kill heroes like Mei or Soldier:76 other one shot heroes have a bit more problem doing.

The distance they travel or the speed they have might be a bit more justified to talk about. Especially his super fast fire rate with storm arrows.

Not just to aid the casual playerbase. This game has zero movement acceleration so prediction is much harder than in other games. If projectiles and heroes didn’t have large hitboxes then it’d be super difficult to land anything.

Of course, whether this good design is debatable.

it does feel way easier to land headshots with Hanzo. I’m not sure why. But my guess, is that the whole arrow is the hitbox for the arrow, rather than just the head of the arrow. So hitting a moving target is easier, as you have the entire travel distance of the arrow to hit the head, rather than just the tip. But I don’t know how you would test something like that.

I might agree as soon as you add bullet drop to other range dps since hanzo has to account for arrow drop.

Honestly I think this is an engine issue and not a Hanzo specific issue. I’ve watched replays on many projectile heroes and seen huge inconsistencies on projectile hit box interacting with PC hurt boxes. I’ve watched replays with Hanzo arrow passing through the top region of the PC head and I’ve watched replays of armpit shots being counted as head shots. This is consistent with ALL projectile based heroes based on what I’ve watched in replays. I’m more willing to chalk this up on netcode or whatever causes hitscans to have unregistered shots.

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That would make sense. And obviously you would notice it more with Hanzo because of his one shot potential.

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Netcode becomes very apparent when you start playing PC’s like Tracer and constantly are snapping back to original position when dashing to dodge things like McCree flashbang.

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