Are we ever going to do anything about sombra?

Who runs sombra in OWL, can you shoot some teams off? Frequent runners of sombra only

I’m waiting

Ok I’ll answer for you, it’s the HOUSTON OUTLAWS, the people that no matter the meta, can never win anythingggggg yes you heard it here first sombra must be bad because the Houston outlaws are bad thank you next argument

Dragons, Glads, Spitfire, Dynasty, usually run her, and NYXL have been experimenting this week.

Almost all the teams tried to run her. She was literally the most picked dps in owl.

They also all failed to get value out of her.

It wasn’t lack of trying or practice.

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Shanghai is the first one to come to mind, DDing in particular.

I know there are a few others but can’t remember them off the top of my head.

Yes but one team that runs it more than anyone almost every game is who? The Houston outlaws my friend, one of the worst teams in the league, but when Rck ran it they did well, it helped shanghai win their first game, michelle in Seoul did incredibly well with it, so would you also agree mr. Ben Shapiro statistics god x that Houston losing every game could effect that sombra win rate?

And would you also agree that just like gold and silvers bringing sombra stats down for sheer lack of knowledge of overwatch on whole, that the bad teams who try to utilize sombra and just like their goats utilize it poorly will bring down stats?

She has a 36% single team win rate. It’s not just LAV sucking with her.

A few teams used her early on but gave up on her. Spark used her a fair bit but haven’t bothered since Guxue took over main tanking full time.

Sombra Goats is just not as good as a solid regular Goats.

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Ok so seeing how that has nothing to do with anything besides you trying to tell me you have immense knowledge of statistics and you watch a lot of competitive overwatch (residentsleeper) this is my final argument and I’m going to make it crystal clear

Sombra alone will not win you the game.
You have to have a team that follows up on hacks, and emps, but you also have to be a competent enough sombra to know that good lucios/ zens will know you have emp and will hide, you have to communicate with your team so they follow up, and you have to have a competent team that will follow up, if this all happens, which you can ensure happens, you will win the team fight. I’d like to know the statistics for fights won with emps.

Also, my whole point of this post was to note how there is little to no counterplay to sombra on hero’s like doomfist and genji, and that is and for the game, having to turn and hope one of your shot gun pellets or shurikens land on a sombra who is max range hacking you is not fun gameplay which is sad because doom and genji are two of the most fun hero’s in the game.

Counterplay: on paper, a pharah should lose to a widow , but if a Pharah flanks well and utilizes angles well that doesn’t have to be the case and the pharah can come out on top, just like a Winston into reaper, if a Winston positions his fives we’ll to not dive directly on top of reaper and single out the healers with his team, he can still win and it doesn’t have to mean OmG they have a reaper swap but on certain hero’s if there is a sombra , you have to swap. Or you have to do nothing all game.

That’s my final argument, any more detailing things like Omg the stats say otherwise!! I don’t care, you should stop being a stat bot and play the game and see for yourself

Also, my offer to make a vod of showing how easy sombra is still stands. Let me know if you want to see how good she can Be I’d you actually hit some of those 60 bullets and position well. Or just watch fitzy and codey and save me some time

Only in their rank.

The gold are not bringing down the gm stats

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“Companion” where you at bud. I think we need to start up the Sombra Wars again.

It’s starting to look like the Empire Strikes Back here xD

Sombra is one of those heroes with no middle ground you either think she’s weak or strong and both sides have good arguements but nothing about her screams OP. Is hack annoying yes, is EMP annoying, yes, are they instant wins, DEFINITELY NOT. You can prefire alot of ults to stop her just like other Ults and she’s completely at the mercy of her team cause even if she gets a 6 man EMP she struggle to kill one enemy on her own cause they typically outdamage her.

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It’s not. It’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not.

Say it with me now, I to the T to the S to the to the N to the O to the T!!!

IT’S :clap: NOT :clap:


They will not nerf Sombra without any compensation buffs.

Not when you play it!

No, literally not when anyone plays it. Like at all.

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I think sombra was doomed the second they thought designing a hero around turning off your ability to play the video game was in any way a good idea.

She’s always going to be trash without communication, and overbearing and fun killing with it.

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Every single one of your responses, AGAIN, continually disproved with actual facts, and you keep answering with “No B-but” “Yes, B-but” only to then be proved wrong again, and then try to come up with some reason statistics and facts don’t matter.

I’ll say again, give up. You hate Sombra. We get it, a lot of people hate Sombra. She’s not overpowered.


EMP does not determine team fights. This is not hard to understand at all. It ALWAYS DEPENDS on how coordinated your team is.

Hack doesn’t need a nerf. If they implemented these nerfs, then she still won’t be balanced. She will end up in the grave. Not to mention that hack has always had counterplay, so there’s no excuse.

You can’t ask for nerfs to a character just because they hard counter you.

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Yeah exclamation point on the fun killing, just one of the many hero’s in blizzards “help gold mercy mains be able to kill a tracer” series, I love being punished by any old sombra player for trying to play a flanker

I see you recommend this a lot but I’m wondering, how would this work control-wise?

I hate to break it to you but no she doesnt. And neither devs wont do them & doesnt like doing reworks.
Neither does bastion.

Reworks arent healthy for this game.

Just cause some heroes are balanced or performing well doesnt mean that they need to be reworked/nerfed buddy.

They need to fix so many other things 1st in this game (like ranked) but reworking heroes which are balanced is just stupid & just hurts this game even more.

‘e’ to throw, ‘f’ to tele. Sym tele takes preference. hold ‘e’ to clear both teles.