Are we ever going to do anything about sombra?

But if I’m on doom, tracer, genji, aka some of my favorite hero’s, and I want to play them, why do I have to play into counters that have no counter play and be FORCED to swap, it’s not like pharah into widow, it’s not like Winston into reaper, it’s like I HAVE TO SWAP

We all have to play into counters sometimes, hun.

That’s the game. You get good when you’ve learned to deal with them. She’s not a hard counter to anyone, except maybe Doom.

Do you want me to upload an educational vod of how easy sombra is? I will even commentate how braindead it is, is Diamond a good enough rank because I kinda want to sit this masters on my main, I will do it on my doom only smurf who is currently diamond, would you like that ?

I’d thought you’d enlightened us with that info, you just want things spoonfed to you.

Yes but the problem arises when there is NO COUNTERPLAY!

You’ve been disproved multiple different ways, using actual statistics, and your response is “No, it’s because ur all bad!”

Just give it a rest.


There’s loads of counterplay though, that’s why she has such a bad win rate.

Lol no that is not my argument, statistics also show that most players reside in the bronze to plat area. And just because sombra isn’t a highly represented hero doesn’t mean she’s bad, and just because people are bad at her doesn’t mean she is bad, don’t put words in my mouth, que into a plat game vs a sombra and watch her literally throw her translocator after the entire team is already attack her 2 feet away to try and escape lol

Do yourself a favor and just stop while you’re ahead.

I spent an hour before trying to talk ideas with them, just for them to say it’s stupid then immediately go off and suggest the same sort of thing in a different thread asking about what they would like to see done.

They’re only here to complain, nothing more. Don’t waste your time.

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Tell me the counterplay doom vs sombra plz

Not a Doomfist player, maybe watch some Contenders; there’s a lot of Doomfist played there into Sombra comps.

I know but it’s scary that it’s all gold~ plat~ representation dictating where the game goes. A lot of these same people comment on my posts that are weeks apart and it’s apparent that more tome is spent from these people on the forums than playing the game

She’s the worst hero in GM on win rates. She has the worst win rate in OWL of any hero with over 20 mins play.

The problems don’t only exist in Gold.


You literally don’t know what you’re saying when you mention these stats. You really aren’t taking into consideration what goes into this, 5 other people on the team, are your counters on the team, are your team mates equipped with the knowledge to deal with a sombra like a non stop spamming every angle constantly to try and knock her out of stealth, are your dps swapping to hero’s that are less effected by hack, are you positioning correctly etc etc. my argument is that for certain hero’s, there is no counterplay to a good sombra, there just isn’t , and you can link me statistics allllll day but sombras cc is too intrusive, if I am outplaying my counters I shouldn’t have to swap, but with sombra there is no counter play

These stats are for the very best players of the game. Yet you’re saying they’re suppressed by bad team mates with Gold level plays?

Get a grip.

Again. Those are Grand Master and Overwatch League professional teams.

Not some Gold solo queue pug.

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No I’m saying people in gm are more likely to swap to what deals with sombra best, but let’s say I wanted to log on and play doomfist or genji, and every single game had a sombra, chances are I’d lose every single game , how did you ever read that from what I said?

If someone in GM is playing doom, enemy locks sombra, he is probably going to swap because he knows it is such a hard counter. But also, you’re dealing with a different caliber of team mates than you are in masters and diamond who are also gonna swap to deal with sombra the best way possible , but like I said, if there is 0 counterplay on doomfist, genji, tracer and a sombra just waits for you to engage and hacks you in the middle of their team like a good sombra does, you have to swap because now you literally can’t play your hero as it is intended to be played

If you got outplayed you got outplayed, maybe you’re on a hissy fit trying to desperately get a hero nerfed, that is not how feedback works, Blizzard likes accounts from both as playing against sombra AND playing sombra herself, they don’t want this biased commentary that a hero is overpowered, they are not going to buy it.

Normally I don’t really mind when mid-tier players have a say in the game. The devs should account for the average tier when making the game available for the average player, if that is their goal at least.

It’s just the stubborn, hypocritical, or outright liars that worry me. They’re the ones that take genuine conversations about how to better the game and just flip it on its head for one reason or another.

So it’s not the rank, just the people.

You are saying OWL players don’t know how to play with their team mates? Or that they don’t know how to play?

Her OWL stats totally blow those arguments out of the water.

If your argument is, people are not good enough to get value out of her kit, and literally the best in the world can’t, then the hero has problems.

Trying to argue she is op isn’t going to work.

Saying hard counters are bad is a better argument.

Genji is the 3rd best DPS in GM. You’d be fine.

DF is pretty solid mid tier pick rates with awesome win rates. Again, you’d be fine.