Are we ever going to do anything about sombra?

watch stage 3 of OWL London Vs New york . saybelobe dominated the game with Sombra …it wasnt even close …the best in the world can use her

One person in one match? That is the counter argument to the garbage stats in the OWL, Top500, GM, Masters?

just go watch it … after that performance , i can see her usage going way up

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I WILL watch it :slight_smile: and I will enjoy every moment, but, it isn’t her pick rate that worries me…

It was your statement about pro players and the. Best in the world being unable to use her … I’m just offering s counter argument to that statement

Seems fair enough. Her win rate in OWL is bronze levels of bad. I’d avoid that place if you were trying to make an argument that she is ok.

thanks for pointing me at that game, I’ll watch the hell out of it :slight_smile:

So lets nerf hammond doomfist. Its only fair.

Sure, that’s why she has a sub-50% win rate in both OWL and on ladder.

Sombra’s power is in her utility so hack is supposed to be strong. She has literally zero damage abilities and a peashooter for a gun.

Maybe play Sombra for more than the 16 minutes you’ve already got on her before complaining about a hero at the bottom of the ladder.

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I think she is fine where is … I mean she isn’t going to take over games on ladder PURELY because she needs follow up on her emp

I’ve used her once or twice (im a tank main ) and I’ve caused havoc with her…

And I hate playing against her

Based on statistics, adressing Sombra would mean to buff her. Just saying.

I think the hero is kinda badly designed tbh. Depending on what rank you’re at, the hero is overpowered or a trash pick, nothing in-between.

At higher ranks EMP is a pretty much guaranteed fight winner, just farm the ult and it’s just a matter of time before the enemy lose the point/objective.

At lower ranks however, no teammates seem to act when you EMP.

For example just yesterday I was playing her on Horizon second point (plat rank). I had EMP and every single person on the enemy team was stood on the high ground choke. Our Zarya has grav. I get behind the enemy and wait for my team to get ready to push. My team all go to the high ground choke and are stood behind our Rein shield doing poke damage, none are injured because they only just got there.
I had been calling that I was going to EMP when they got to the point for a while, so I said “EMPing in 3…2…1”

EMP goes off, all enemies are hacked.

Rein stands there at the choke, shield up, immobile.

Our Zen who wasn’t in voice hears my EMP and panics at the audio cue, and pops transcendence.

My team stand behind the Rein doing poke damage.

Rein charges, EMP has worn off and he melts instantly.

The team go down one by one, and Zarya is the last hero left standing. The enemy swarm her, and she gravs them.

Long story short: Sombra is trash below maybe high diamond? And it was pointless for me to play her, because she requires other players to act when she uses her kit.

I’m not saying all heroes should be just as viable in all ranks (though that should be the dev aim when designing new heroes) but when a hero is oppressive in high ranks, and as good as a throw pick in lower ranks, I’d say the hero was badly designed.

She isnt performing very well in high ranks either.


This is false and people need to stop with this nonsense.

Hack fails ALL the time for no reason.

So. Correct me if I’m wrong, but what you seem to be saying is that Sombra is good and that her winrate means NOTHING because EVERYONE doesn’t know how to use her and it doesn’t matter if she loses more games than ANY OTHER HERO because it just means EVERYONE else is playing her wrong or poorly?

Also, why tf is it so hard for you to realize that just because you think she is OP doesn’t mean she is? You suck at dealing with her, that doesn’t mean she needs nerfs. Instead of telling everyone that is showing stats that she is bad to “git gud” with her, maybe you should “git gud” at dealing with the weakest hero in the game.

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Oh really? I wouldn’t know (being in plat) just going on what Masters+ players say about her.

Are doom and hammond still in game? Then all we are really going to do is buff her

Zen is who Sombra protects when a giant hamstered mech or a big black dude with 350 health dives him and they start to cc him till he wishes he was dead.

Let me play the words smallest violin that there is a hero that counters the overbloated kits that flankers received. Btw Mercy mains are not the ones that die to flankers, they are the only ones that can successfully evade them.

Well there are stats which show she isnt used in high rank and even if she is, shes running the lowest winrate of all heroes.


give her back the old speed for stealth and we’re good

Agreed that the duration of hack and ult charge/duration of EMP should be tweaked, and chain-hacking players shouldn’t be a thing, there should be a cooldown. She doesn’t really counter Tracer that well IMO. Tracer will always be a high skill cap hero that requires other high skill cap heroes to counter her, and maybe that is ok.