Are we ever going to do anything about sombra?

I understand that without her hero’s like doomfist and tracer would run rampant, but the facts remain that emp is just a free fight win and a base hack which takes .6 seconds to cast and has a very long range once cast starts and can not be line of sited once cast starts AND the most troubling part it lasts 6 seconds and it isn’t even a skill shot like Ana sleep dart which is the same duration IF landed, and on top of that permanent invisibility.

Are we ever gonna address it?

I think a simple fix would be a longer cooldown on base hack and at least half duration of the CC, 6 seconds is far far far far too long


Nerf EMP

Buff the rest of her kit


What would you buff on her kit? She has permanent ability, a .6 second 6 second cc, 60+ bullets In her clip, permanent translocator, what would you buff?

Giver her 75% stealth, and be able to put Translocators on walls


So that’s a nerf if I’m not mistaken

Probably not. She needs a rework to address her polarizing nature, as does Bastion, but the developers do not want to do it. And in a way, it is somewhat relieving after seeing how they handled prior reworks.


Like what reworks are you referring to? Just curious

2 translocaters.

So she can use one to relocate in combat.

I’d also make EMP smaller, and have hack last 5 seconds rather than 6.

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Wait what??? You’re serious?

Given her win rate, yes.

Junkrat got 2 mines so he could use mine in combat and still have an escape.

This makes her stronger without making enemies weaker.

What else can you do? Crank up her damage? Because tracer 2.0 is what we need?

Make EMP better?

Make hack stronger?

I don’t think you’re understanding how incredibly bad this hero does not need a buff…

You’re saying because junkrat has 2 mines sombra needs a made to relocate mid combat and one to get out with, given that she has 60 bullets in a clip, permanent translocations she can replace anywhere anytime, a 6 second cc that is not a skill shot , I don’t believe she needs that whatsoever

Oh yeah and a I win button ultimate

No, it’s a buff. It’s 50% faster than she is now in Stealth

Hanzo is the one I hate the most, it did not address the issue it set out to fix (how he was weak and all his power came from scatter) and instead turned him from a sniper to a generalist that is all about spamming. It made him less fun to play and play against. At least he got stronger, I suppose.

The one that had a huge portion of the vocal player base rioting was the Mercy rework. I do not want to comment on it too much, but everyone has their own opinion and it was all the drama for half a year after it happened. Literally. Like actually.

My sister hated that the Torbjorn rework took away his armor and a lot of Symmetra mains feel the same about generalist DPS taking precedence over their unique identity.

All I am saying is that if they reworked Sombra, she would probably lose hack for a debuff that makes them take 50% more damage. It would be lame.

Lowest win rate at all ranks in the game.

44% win rate in owl.

42% non mirror win rate in owl.

Yeah, she is going to be buffed, and hard.

McCree was stronger than her, and you saw that change


This post is about asking for nerfs, not buffs, idk how that got lost in translation

When looking at statistics you have to realize the gold sombra in your game who goes into the fight without dropping nade and tries to throw it after she already got hooked by a hog will inflate those stats as there is far more people in plat and under who can’t even figure out how to operate mercy, sombra is by far the most oppressive hero in the game without really having to do much to be that way.


That isn’t going to happen.

You don’t nerf the weakest hero in the game.

She is going to get buffed hard and soon, so… How do we handle that without it being crazy?


I’m suggesting buffs because she doesn’t need nerfs. If we’re not gonna buff her, then at least just leave her as is.


I cannot take you seriously…

Go look at her win rates, come back, and then take me seriously.

People said the same thing around McCree

As I said above, winrate stats are very misleading because there are far less people in diamond, masters, gm, top 500 as there are in bronze gold silver and plat that play sombra incorrectly example being running in without dropping translocator getting hooked then trying to throw translocator etc. these people can’t even figure out how to play mercy let alone sombra. Stats being bad does not mean the hero is weak that is ridiculous to even pose that.