Are Mercy players no longer worthy of being individuals or human (we're called creatures now too)?

Because the reste of the gamers we are are bored to see new threads popping up every single second to say the exact same thing than the previous one… so people starting to say « they » to refer to Mercy players…


Raises an eyebrow
Attack is not always the best defense

Then I think you have misunderstood the genuine concern that I am expressing in this thread. I did not create a thread because I wanted to joke about how Mercy mains (or any people who receive similar treatments on this forum) are being treated as inferior beings by several active forum participants. I am genuinely concerned over long term consequences of this behavior.


I feel as you do, Qwazi. I have been away for quite some time, but to come back and see… this? The treatment of Mercy players was always bad, but this is on another level entirely… It makes me sad, that people see other players, people like themselves, trying to improve and better their favourite character just get shut down because “Lul cult get out”. It makes me wonder if I would be called the same, purely for my name.


Hey buddy gotta long enough title there? Not point. Mercy mains are fine. I hear that they’re crying for help but play who you want.

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It’s honestly gotten to a point where I’m embarrassed to call myself a Mercy main. I can understand why Mercy mains are looked at in such a negative light on these forums. And we have mostly brought it on ourselves.

As I stated in another post, Mercy has received significantly more of the devs time and attention than ANY other hero in the game. And she has never been close to being as broken as some (Bastion, Sombra, Rein’s bugs). Maybe immediately after Valk, but that was short lived.

Yet here we are. Continuing to demand more attention to her and demand it NOW at that. I mean, how entitled are we? And even if we, personally, do not consider wanting our main to be “fun and engaging” being entitled, you have to acknowledge the perception of the rest of the community. There’s over 10 new Mercy posts a DAY, even after all the attention Mercy has received. As any other hero main, that’s understandable how Mercy mains may be perceived how they are.

What’s more is she’s been meta for ages. Meta heroes never get sympathy from the community. And why should they? Imagine being a Bastion main and having a Mercy main complain to you about being “boring.” Lol.

I get it. The Mercy we have is not the Mercy really anyone wants - and tons of viable feedback has been given, yet Blizz chooses their own road. It’s frustrating.

But, as a Mercy main, I would be outraged for the rest of the community if Mercy received another rework before things like Bastion and Rein’s bugs are handled.

The argument has become “well Mercy is unfun because she’s boring.” Boring is subjective even if it’s a common opinion. Meanwhile Reinhardt’s bugs and Bastion’s lack of viability are fact. I’m well aware Blizz should be able to handle plenty of things at once… like why not rework Mercy again AND fix Rein? But we all know that’s not how Blizz works.

That’s my take on the perception of Mercy mains, as a Mercy main. I realize I’m in the minority and probably seem apathetic. But just as we’re allowed to have our opinions and voice them on Mercy’s state, so able is the rest of the community able to have their opinions on Mercy mains and their opinions are not entirely unwarranted.


not only have you proved qwazi’s point, you’re extremely immature about it. hold this flag. you clearly don’t know how converse with people without being a jerk.

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Sadly seeing the comments here I keep assuming every Mercy main wants that.

inb4 I get called a Mercy hater and that I generalized them all. (it’s wrong of me to assume such things sorry your spam isn’t helping alright.)

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While I understand how people can get frustrated when so many of the threads discuss Mercy, it is still not a free pass for insulting or degrading people who engage in such discussions. I think if people engaged the way you did in your post things would be fine, but there are quite a few people who have stopped discussing and who is simply just in it to degrade or insult people.


I have a phrase I quite like, and when accusations are flying, gender sexuality and class wars are being waged, and someone trys to conflate me with a group identity I haven’t espoused;
“Don’t collectivize me, bro!”

It’s unfortunately going both ways, though. I’ve seen people simply state their opinion regarding Mercy and how they believe she is fine where she is at (current state is healthier than old state, blah blah blah, etc.) and then suddenly get swarmed by people who start insulting them and saying they have no idea what they’re talking about.

And granted, I’ve seen the same thing as well done to Mercy players, but both parties are guilty.


If a Mercy players want to have genuine conversations about the game, I’m all for it. But right now, most of them just scream ‘revert Mercy’, and those are the ones I clump together, as the revert Mercy brigade, or RMB for short.


I don’t think I have ever judged players for the hero they play

…except @#$#ing Mei.

Appreciate people who heal you.


Did you just put this

in your title, even tho I already told you that it was obvious sarcasm? Wow dude

Uhmmm wut?
Sure Mercy mains are hated for being spammy and annoying, but I have not seen anyone dehumanizing Mercy mains.

Heck even the guy who started the cult of Mercy mains trend is a Mercy main, and not once did he dehumanized you guys.

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What do you expect coming from someone who is trying to force an agenda on the forums? They need to try to make it seem as if they(the OP) are the victim and target of everyone’s outrage.


Welcome to the forum’s mob mentality, one of the first insults were “You are a Hanzo Main” now its mercy’s turn, its stupid and ridiculous how people do this, but you cant expect so much from people who hide under the anonymity’ s Mask in a forum to unleash their trollish side without any consequence.


Every group of mains gets this treatment tho


You act like youre some minority group being harassed and abused, seriously need to chill out, its a video game character…pick someone else to have fun, stop playin to have fun, or just shut up and have fun. Stop acting like youre starved neglected children or something. jesus.


its funny that you are upset about generalizations here on the forums, and proceed to generalize forum goers.

the forums is less than 1% of the population.

I assure you this is not an issue.

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