Are Mercy players no longer worthy of being individuals or human (we're called creatures now too)?

I wish I had a genji main boyfriend to boost me but we all can’t be mercy/genji mains :frowning:


Better to be damned for doing the right thing rather than by doing the wrong thing

That’s not the kind of respond they want …

Idk why people think that all Mercy mains want a revert

I, as a former Mercy main, don’t want a revert to Mass Rez.

But yeah , since Mercy main comments on something , they have to be abused/insulted for someone’s words. -.-


While I whole heartedly agree with you the OW community is known for toxicity and the forums are really no different. It’d be great if people could be civil but I wouldn’t honestly expect it here from most people

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Do you mean like how everyone is treated?
For example:

  • All DPS Mains are self centered and won’t switch, therefore hate them
    *All Support Mains are stuck-up and entitled, therefore hate them.
  • All insert Hero here Mains are insert stereotype of said Hero, therefore hate them.

This isn’t JUST Mercy Mains, you just see it more because they tend to post more, and it’s not even ALL Mercy Mains, it’s a select few who are extremely vocal. I already posted about this in another Mercy thread about why a group is treated a certain way because of the vocal minority representing the vast majority.

You bumped the thread by replying, giving it more attention.

In my opinion, people who do this all the time have no right to complain about spam.


I need to make “i’m punk so i must rebel” -type of meme out of this.

“I main Mercy so i must want mass res back.”

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Don’t be so negative. What if our founding fathers just thought that nothing was going to change and didn’t do anything? It never hurts to voice your opinion for something you disagree with so long.


Mercy has received more responses from the devs than any other hero, they just don’t like what they hear. They need to chill.

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I think most people do realize that it goes by an individual basis when actually playing the game. I think it mainly goes with the forum and all the Mercy threads popping up now. And Mercy isn’t the only one where people have perceptions about her.

When you say Genji main most people will thing of a selfish player that spams I need healing and complains about their team sucking after they die in 1V6. It goes for a lot of mains.

Really? Because the last comment was months ago and all it said was her pick rate was fine which wasn’t what the concern was about.

They also said she was in an okay spot and then nerferd her twice since then.

Yes they did say they had no plans to revert her but they still haven’t mentioned peoples concerns that they have about the hero not being enjoyable. People aren’t asking for revert to put her how she was before. Most people have accepted if they would revert her mas rez would still need changes.


A hero “not being enjoyable” or “not fun” is subjective and is not a reason to flood the forums because there are plenty of people who enjoy mercy now.


I still find her fun

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Quoted to prevent it from being edited out… This quote exemplifies one of the many offensive things that I am talking about in my opening post.

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It doesn’t help that Blizzard corrals us and herds us into the graveyard super-megathread for Mercy when we try to have legitimate conversations on here without getting lost in the 20k post endless landscape of confusing merged topics inside the megathread

You know what would solve that? subforums

Well her not being enjoyable to play against was one of the main reason they reworked her. Hack was insta nerfed because streamers/pros said it was “not fun”. It is subjective but if not fun can be used as reason for nerf and a rework it can be used as reason to rework a hero.

You are correct it is subjective which is one of the worst things to come out. No matter what they do with Mercy at this point people will be unhappy. I will be unhappy with her until they rework her again or revert while also changing mass rez. If they do that then their are people who like her current version will be unhappy. They have but people who play Mercy into a lose lose situations where someone will always be upset.


People play a game and hero to have fun. When that’s in jeopardy, people complain.

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It’s kind of crazy the amount of dislike there is for Mercy mains or even those who appear to play Mercy. It’s just sad that they’re mistreating people based on a hero they play. It’s not even Brig! that last bit was a joke

which would be reasonable, if every single person wanted a revert. Unfortunately, everyone has very diverse ideas of how to change Mercy.


Calling Mercy mains “creepy creatures” in a thread that brings up dehumanization as an issue is obvious sarcasm to you? It certainly didn’t seem like sarcasm to me.


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