April Fools patch might be a tease of possible talents in Overwatch 2

For those that haven’t seen it here’s the patch.

But what I want to bring up is Overwatch 2’s pve is going to feature a talent system with 3 skill trees which was showcased here.

Which only showed off a few possible hero changes like effecting 76’s biotic field, Mercy’s Rez, Reinhardt with 360 shatters etc. But they didn’t reveal every characters talents as we only got a brief glimpse.

So seeing some of these changes in the April fools patch might be outright insane in a pvp environment but in a pve match as a talent system wouldn’t seem so outlandish and fun. Unless Null Sector starts a hashtag #DeletePharah for her strafing barrage being busted. :joy:

Stuff like Ana gaining nano boost as well, Reaper getting added mobility, Bastion going small, Mei getting Thicc, Ashe’s knockback change, Zarya’s dual bubble system change, Echo’s longer duplicate time, Baptiste lamp and heals adjusted, Deflect reset on elim, Vertical Rocket Punch etc. Might well be a tease of what to expect.

Given how the response is to these changes and how some want to see these go to live, I imagine some of the work might have come from Overwatch 2 as a brief tease of what to expect.


I certainly hope the Baptiste change gets more tweaking. I was excited for the change, but he seems to be struggling in game. He can’t do anything to prevent death, and IF reducing damage is essentially unnoticeable.

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Given how health is adjusted in pve (we see multiple characters with above or lower health values then normal) I imagine it might be a way of addressing Immortality Field in pve.

Reducing the damage you take from the AI but still making you killable seems like a good way to balance it, instead of being a miracle solver.

The added healing for direct hits mixed in with amp matrix seem like a good compromise.

Right, but in this game we have now, the one of heavy burst damage and rush down comps, we really ought to have things like IF stopping quick and unavoidable deaths. Even if they give him a healing buff, it won’t matter if people die in an instant.

I disagree. IF not preventing deaths won’t matter just because his healing will be good with AMP: a skill he won’t have for the majority of the match.

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I know.

That’s why I’m saying this would be a possible talent tree in pve and not brought over to pvp.

Playing him on Junkenstein endless shows you can get a ton of value off his Immortality, healing and amp matrix in a pve setting.

This maybe a way they address that to help balance Baptiste in pve by keeping it as a talent. You could have a strong immortality field to save your team in clutch moments or you could have a more frequent weaker field that lowers damage taken. Making you way up the odds of which is more needed.

You can farm up amp matrix pretty quickly in pvp and pve (more so with the extra healing on direct hits like in the experimental) so the amount of time to get his matrix active would be lowered.

I was thinking this as soon as I saw that they were messing with reinhardt’s charge steering. This is easily the most plausible theory for where some of these changes are coming from. The buffs for Widowmaker and McCree especially seem well-suited for PvE, and almost all of these hero changes are direct upgrades instead of the power-redistributing Blizzard is usually fond of.


The Moira biotic grasp lowering cooldown of orb is straight out of heroes of the storm. Doing something consistently lowers X cooldown.

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I agree! It also seems like they’re adding in more MOBA influences, with the S:76 reload sprint thing and Moira heal affecting cooldowns. I wish they would add similar changes to the live game tbh.


Strafing Barrage and making more characters fly up and around makes me think they’ll give more mobility in pve which otherwise would be highly abusable in a pvp setting.

30 second duplicate duration kinda set it for me because Echo duplicates allies in pve (or Bastion and Or-14 units in uprising) and the community already hates it at 15 seconds. Doubling that in pve to farm more ultimates would be perfect however though.

The extra control on Reinhardt’s charge is something the devs even mentioned during the OW2 Blizzconline presentation as a baseline change.

14 days later